My Day: Amazed by the Super Moon

in GEMS4 years ago

I am quite tired after doing my tasks yesterday like taking care of my garden, cooking, and washing our clothes. I am still happy though when evening came. I got to see the super moon!

I had awaited for it because I always appreciate nature, and everything God created. So at night, I prepared my phone. Though I am not expecting it won't be to big or small on the camera phone because it always show a small one. But the moon is really big, and it is easy to get captured.

As you can see, it is big. But in person, it is bigger.


Even inside the house, it can still be seen with such a size.

I don't care what others will say about the super moon. All I know is moon is a creation of God, and seeing it in such size, it brought me to amazement.


@shawmeow, excellent shot of the moon, I particularly love taking photos of the moon, soon I will also share my photos.