Splinterlands social media challenge Today my drawing Sea Genie!!

in GEMS2 years ago

Hi all my favorite blog friends,

Hello everyone....🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Hi how are you all I hope everyone is well. I am also very well, with your blessings. Today I have appeared on 🌺🌺my splinterlands social media challenge🌺🌺 with a new art. I have appeared today with a SEA GENIE picture art. I hope you all like this art.i will try to best art and we'll design. So let's get started.


Below are the materials that I am using to draw the image.
A4 size paper
Color Pencil
I work with a pencil, white paper, a hardboard and a rubber to design the first image.


How I am coloring the picture, I have shown it below step by step.

1.First I will paint the head of the picture, ears and some parts of the body blue.


2.Then I will paint the fingers of the picture in brown on the ears and all over the body with thick spots.


3.This time I like the color purple to make the picture look beautiful. So I will paint the body of the picture purple.


4.Then I will paint the face of the picture, under the body and on the side of the ear.


5.Finally, I will paint the eyes and the crown of the head a little orange.


I hope all of you will like my drawing. Thank you all very much for viewing my post.
Splinterlands social media challenge here
Here's my referral link.


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