Make gemstone jewelry from yellow jade rare

in GEMS3 years ago


For friends who like gemstone jewelry made of natural stones, the stone object that I will make this time is a small piece of natural yellow stone, I often call it 'Yellow Jade'


I shape the stone using a polishing wheel to match the existing ring setting, then I polish it using 240, 600, 1200 grit paper and finally polish it with diamond powder.



Making stone jewelry like this usually takes between 20-30 minutes, it feels very easy to make, maybe because I am used to the job.

After the stone has been polished, the final process is to attach it to the existing ring, and the Yellow Jade ring stone jewelry is ready to be used or sold to interested people.


Until this post was made, this stone has not been sold, it is still neatly stored in my collection box. If readers want to have it, let's talk about it in the comments column. 😊

I found this yellow jade base piece three years ago from a gold miner in an area of ​​use in the western part of the island of Sumatra.


This 4.5 kg rough has been cut into several pieces, a small part has been sold and most of the stone I have saved.

The following is a photo of some of the pieces that I have polished into stone jewelry. There is a charm of various yellowis colors.

I still think of it as a rare gem yellow jade, although some are not sure whether this is really a jade that has similarities to the jadeite in Burma Myanmar. certainty that will only be answered until I send the sample to be tested at the gemologist laboratory. hopefully