La vida con color - [En] Colorful life

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Fue una tarde de deberes y trabajos, luego repare que sobre la mesa, una pila de lápices de colores aportaban destellos de alegría, mostrándome que no todo es blanco, negro o gris, y es en estas circunstancias donde la creatividad aflora y llena con entusiasmo un día más en casa. Feliz noche para todos.

F/5.6| ISO/400 | EXP-1/60 seg | D.F - 200 mm | Camera - Canon EOS Rebel T2i

F/5.6 | ISO/400 | EXP-1/60 seg | D.F - 200 mm | Camera - Canon EOS Rebel T2i

F/5.6 | ISO/400 | EXP-1/80 seg | D.F - 200 mm | Camera - Canon EOS Rebel T2i

F/5 | ISO/400 | EXP-1/60 seg | D.F - 80 mm | Camera - Canon EOS Rebel T2i

[En] It was an afternoon of tasks and homework, then I noticed that on the table, a pile of colored pencils brought flashes of joy, showing me that not everything is white, black or gray, and it is in these circumstances where creativity emerges and fills with enthusiasm another day at home. Happy evening to everyone.

All photographs are my property, are taken with a Canon EOS Rebel T2i or an iPhone 11.
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Coimbra, Portugal.