in GEMS4 years ago

Our beliefs affects the way we think and progress in life. To be successful in life, there are many turns to make but believing in one's self is the first of them all.

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The contest topic today says:

To succeed, we must first believe that we can do it.¨ - Nikos Kazantzakis

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Our beliefs comes to play wither we would attain success or not. Yesterday, I spoke about self limiting beliefs which are those beliefs that limit you from attaining success but today's discussion will focus on steps to take to belief in one's self.


1. Having trust in one's self: One of the major ways to belive in oneself is by trusting yourself. You don't need others to believe in you because what happens in your life depends on you and not them.


2. Realizing your self-limiting beliefs: A major truth here is, if we don't realize those beliefs that limits us from progressing we can't go anywhere. We need to take note of those beliefs that brings negativity to our minds/thoughts and make waste of them, be it a religious belief or a societal belief or cultural belief.


3. Loving yourself (Self Love): Self love goes a play to this as if you don't love yourself, there is no way you can believe in yourself. Learn to treat yourself right, take good care of yourself, see it that it is a responsibility to look good always.


4. Soliloquy: This is an act of speaking to oneself aloud. Every morning before or during bath, I stand in front of the mirror to look at myself and speak to myself every positivity I need to make through the day. It is a fresh way to start the day and the best way to build in believe to oneself. Moreover, it's actually one of the best way to fuel up yourself to prepare for the day's journey.


5. Surround yourself with Positive people: Though you don't need anybody to believe in you to succeed but surrounding yourself with people who gives out positivity and have a strong sense of self belief is one way to build yours.


6. Learn to tap Inspiration: One of the things I have always loved about myself is by tapping inspiration. The Inspiration could be from the music you hear, the books you read, the people around you. Tapping that positivity from you environment is a sure way to fuel your self-esteem.


7. Have a Goal/Dream: Another sure way of fueling the energy is having a reason to stand and take on the journey. Believing in your dreams and setting them as goals is one way to make sure of that. Most people lose believe because they fail to make their dreams to become goals, they fail to make it a reason to fight. So, do well to not just dream but to set them as goals.


8. Face your fears and be prepared to take risks: You should recognize your goals and self-beliefs are greater than your fears. Your fears are only there to hold you back from the success line. Fears are only there to doubt your beliefs but learning to keep faith in them will pull you through it.

There are more ways/steps to believe in one's self than what I just mentioned above. Feel free to share others which you have in mind in the comments session below

I will use this opportunity to invite @sugarelys, @maryed, @josehany, @leydil, @naty16 @queenstar100, @orianabeam, @elpastor, @aesha, @daniky to join me in this contest and also invite their friends. Click here to know more about the content. Meanwhile, you can also check the info below 😊.



1st Place: 3 Hive + 10 HBI
2nd Place: 2 Hive
3rd Place: 1 Hive
The most creative: 40 spaco
Energy Refill special: 17 PAL

This contest is possible thanks to, PAL and spaco tokens thanks to @wesphilbin, HBI thanks to @enginewitty and the Hives from SMILE initiative.


Contest rules:

  • Create a post reflecting on the phrase, it can be of the shape, size, color and texture you prefer (One post per week).

  • Publish in the community of your preference, with an 100% upvote to this post.

  • Use the tags #energyrefill and #thoughfuldailypost.

  • Share the link of your post in the comments and in the SMILE server (In the channel #energyrefill-posts).

If you invite a friend to join the contest and share on twitter with the tag #hive you have more chances to win. With my username @tripode_rd so i can find the mentions.

The contest closes on Tuesday 23rd at 00:00 UTC, the winners will be announced on Wednesday at 00:00 UTC.


What is HBI?

It is an incentive fund that gives a lifetime vote to the basic income organization. The more HBI you have, the better the vote. You can't buy them for yourself, the only way to get them is to receive them from others or buy them for others. When you buy them, you get the same amount in return. It's like paying in advance.

If you want to know more about this you can review this post: HBI basics.


Sponsors / Patrocinadores

Give some cool vote for Witty thing.

#thoughtfuldailypost initiative by @wesphilbin

Click the banner to get redirect to Blogging Challenge Community.

Click the banner to get redirect to SMILE server, or:

All illustrations are made by @tripode in Adobe Illustrator
Enginewitty´s banner is delivered by him.

All images in this post are mine except otherwise stated







@starstrings01, I agree with all the points except one and that is, surround yourself with positive people.

In my opinion always it's not possible to surround ourself with positive people, but one thing we can do and that is, we can resonate with people positively and negatively with our behaviour. World is complex place and we have to deal with all kinds of people.

Have a great time ahead and stay blessed.

Yeah it is possible.. Resonating with people positively and negatively is another different thing on its own.

Staying around positive people means being around people that gives positive vibes. As they're positive people so there are people with negative vibes. There are some people I know (so called friends) who are negative in thoughts and words (very pessimistic). I try my best to keep distance from them and move with those giving out positive energy.

Good wishes from my side and stay blessed.

Thanks man.. I appreciate your comments.

Welcome and thank you.

Those are nice points that you made! I try to do almost all of them, except the one about talking to myself... I do that when I curse and swear when I play Splinterlands... lol...

Lol.. I can imagine the splinterlands 😅😂😂😂

Dear @starstrings01, thank you for the invitation to participate in this important contest that you promote. I find the theme to be developed very interesting, which has to do with our personal growth and development of our human potential to be successful in life. I will be preparing my post for the contest. Blessings.

Thanks so much for your comment. I thought it would be something you might be interested in.

Thank you very much for this wonderful post, which i am sure will put many of those who read it to self-analysis, it is always good to heal the wounds and learn to self-love and grow in order to achieve what we want, and to be able to love fully around us.

I loved it, pure example of an Energy Refill.

I'm glad you loved it.

A wonderful post with many meaningful and positive points. A perfect #thoughtfuldailypost as well as, in my opinion, a fitting entry for #energyrefill contest!

Thanks so much especially the tipu and tan 🤗🤗

You are most welcome!! Keep on spreading that positive energy on the Blockchain!!

Yeah right! I´m starting to feel the vibes!


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