Teachers need to be equipped with professional requirements and equipment

in GEMS2 years ago

Teacher is a sacred profession for which every person who wants to become a teacher has some special things different from ordinary people. This is not an ordinary profession but the people involved in it have a great responsibility to train the human brain. It is generally accepted that some have become teachers. However, a good teacher makes a good breed and a bad teacher destroys the breed. In the past, a good teacher had many virtues, but today, if a teacher at least conveys the truth of his subject to the children, it will be a great blessing. For this, the teacher has to be competent himself and then he has to be truthful in understanding and conveying his / her subject.


There are many types of teacher education. Let's take a look at what kind of educational credentials are required to become a teacher, what level of teacher he is and what kind of teacher he is. Not only is the position attractive to teachers at both government and private levels, but their salaries have also become very attractive. At the school level as well as at the college level. But we will only mention school level teachers here. The salaries and ranks of the government schools are the same but when it comes to private schools, these ranks are also challenging and their salaries are also attractive. Many English medium private schools and most residential private schools in the country are many times more attractive than government schools in both respects.
Sardast is the concept of government school teachers in our minds. If we talk about it, it will be easy to understand
Will come.


Pre-Primary Teacher:
Pre-primary education is a stage for young children to prepare for the school environment, and for the actual acquisition environment, before they begin their formal schooling. It is also important for these children to have a good education. The condition is that this step should be determined according to the same scientific principles and not by name. The copy of every good thing sometimes gets so bad and spreads so much that we have a hard time distinguishing between good and bad. The situation of pre-primary educational institutions is no different. This is the stage when parents have to be very careful. If a good school is found at this stage, then the child's future education becomes easier. Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions.


Currently these schools are working for 3 to 5 year old children in our country. They have been named pre-primary / play school. At the same time, schools have started functioning at various levels. The practice of enrolling children in KG, Pre-Nursery, Nursery, LKG, UKG etc. is increasing day by day. Pre-primary care is usually provided at home. This important level has not yet been addressed by governments. In any case, governments have become less and less interested in the proper irrigation of the human race, and politics has become ingrained in most of their actions. And it is getting worse by the day.