I was told not to give too much, but I can only offer what is in my being, for I believe that is the way to decipher whether I am in the right place or am to be reborn.
If you fill a small glass too full, the liquid will overflow without hesitation, and that is when the truth comes to you: that vessel was not the right one.
So be intense, live with overflowing passion, demand much, but also give without restraint. But be cautious where you place your countenance, for the heart is also exhausted by giving madly.
Do not be afraid to give what you are without limit, that is the only way to discern whether you are where you should be or whether you must continue to seek the worthy place for your truths to spread.
Pour forth in abundance the waters of your essence, but do so with wisdom and contemplation. For to give too much into an unworthy vessel is folly, but if it is the right one, it will be a pleasing and full oblation.