Agricultural Mindset: Exploring Waterleaf planting

Hello hivers

Glad to be here

Agriculture was one of the subjects I learnt while in school, and i never really liked the subject reason being that it involves working in the farm, clearing of farm and other difficult things, and at the end I will have blisters on my palms, another thing is weeding, having pains on my back and waist, there was absolutely not fun about the subject, the only fun was when it was harvesting season i will eat and eat. So I had to endure it because there was no way I would have skipped it. But I also had to farm as well in the house and it was like a punishment, farming in school (practical) and house.
Farming was not my thing, but while growing up my mum will engage us in farmwork. It was so bad that whenever mum made mention of going to the farm, it will always be a thug of war, even with that I will still go, nobody dares to stay back, I didn't know she was actually training us for days like this.
I discovered that it was difficult for me because of the mindset i had concerning agriculture. Agriculture has helped to eradicate poverty, create job opportunities and has opened opportunities for many. So i had to change my perspective about agriculture, i had to develop interest for it, and I'm glad that i had that change of mind.

Due to the high cost of everything here, farming has become the route for many families'survival. We cultivate almost everything. I now realize that what my mum taught me then is now of great benefit to me, because I do everything now with ease. From clearing the farm, making a bed for planting of cassava, and every other planting process.

I visited my sister, and she took me to her waterleaf farm, I was amazed. Since it's planting season she was planting it so I had to assist her by cutting the matured ones with a knife for replanting. The reason for using a knife to cut was to be fast, another thing, it will help it to grow faster and when trimmed that way, it makes it neat. As I was doing that she was planting, she would use the hoe to till the soil, level it up, then plant the already cut waterleaf.
Waterleaf is one vegetables used here, it is used majorly in cooking most of our traditional dishes, such as, Afang soup, Editan soup, Vegetable Soup etc, so Oftentimes there is high demand for it.

It was a refreshing time for me, because we had a lot to gist about, laughed and work, because "all work mo play makes us dull 🫣🤣, and we were excited that atleast we have finished the empty bed prepared for it.

As technology is taking over the world, so is agriculture.
I'm proud to be a farmer.

Thank you for reading