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RE: The Quality Package

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

A couple of times I read from users they think social media blogging is an easy way of earning. I was like "haaaaah! It is not easy at all." It requires consistency in posting as well as in engagement with no compromise on quality. It is a job requiring a lot of efforts.
Thanks for these guidelines @scholaris sir. They are clearly telling what we are supposed to do build ourselves and to make us valuable on the platform. The progress on any social media site is indeed a give and take process. What we give to community and individuals, we get back.


I think learning to create quality content is a matter of time. The trick is catching on to that wider audience so they can help you learn and grow.

Social media blogging is as easy as Hive blogging once you have the reputation and following. It's all about creating quality content that you can efficiently share with a wider audience that trusts you.

Lol. And that needs a lot of work