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RE: Proof of Brain (POB) surpass HIVE in token value! - Some more thoughts on this new community

This is one of the cooler experiments on Hive. It brings me back to the early days of HIVE where you can only earn the rewards though posting, commenting and curating content on the platform. The aspect of decreasing supply is interesting as well. 4 Years seems a little long but I'm curious about it. I'd rather see 10% a year reduction or something along the lines of that like how POW mining is always reduced on the next calculation.

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I think you're right that there could be better deflation rates technically and economically speaking. However, making it the same as Bitcoin makes it all easier to communicate and installs the powerful message of scarcity and future difficulty of obtaining more. I think that simple fact changes the mindset of people where the effort you make to earn tokens feels more important. So overall I think the decision to make it the same is good.

Curious to see how token distribution will look after a while. Imo proof of brain generally speaking works better when there are lots of people with a significant portion of the stake. Because that means there's a greater correlation between the amount of engagement and number of people voting on your post and the rewards. So you're more incentivised to form mroe relationships and get good reach on your posts.

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