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RE: 1776 Shots Fired (or) Why I Proxied to LZ's Witlist & You Can Too! ✨

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Ah so you stream gaming videos to get rewarded for your other unrelated efforts, I'll try to remember that. And your efforts are more worthy (because you're doing something for the blockchain) than the efforts of authors who spend hours researching topics and writing about them and getting rewarded for them. Besides, the autovoters issue has been revisited countless times that it gets boring, but in a nutshell, many people don't have time to curate, so they select a list of users whom they like the content and autovote. Others prefer to curate manually. Nothing wrong with any of those approaches. Besides, when 10 "good" whales decide to upvote a certain author, wouldn't that qualify as overrewarded? I'd like to see you downvote those one day. But if rancho or haejin upvote someone, all heaven breaks loose. Stop being a hypocrite.


You don't stream gaming videos, the stream is the video, you play live or post a recording of gameplay which is a video. Unless you meant video games.

I'm way more likely to reward someone with stake who isn't just an author providing nothing else of value, not even interacting, socializing or attempting to bring in any traffic to hive compared to someone who also actively curates. Curating isn't autovoting, it's not just clicking a button and rewarding someone, it's a shame you even use that word with your autovotes. If 10+ people were to reward someone consistently on content no one is consuming or reacting to then yes I would downvote it, especially if that's all that user does is rake in rewards without providing hive any other sort of value.