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RE: A Positive Post for the Oxymoronic!

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

here's some old news
when i got to the airport i was informed i had a ticket to a grounded flight.
so i sat and watched the oxymorons on cnn. they were discussing the patient doctor who is a foreign native with the curious name
Youme Pushpull. then they briefly reported on a broke fixer who was once hailed as a freedom fighter. the sending continued with a piece on the defeated champion horse that bolted when it discovered he had got his stable changed after the loss. there weren't any honest politicians willing to be to interviewed so they finished off with the economy. the stock market made a lower high. in the past, futures markets have tended to follow suit

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interesting but how is this an oxymoron? :)i like it just need to see the oxymoron

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old news
grounded flight
patient doctor
foreign native
Youme Pushpull
broke fixer
defeated champion
stable changed
honest politicians
lower high
past futures

much like pretty ugly some of these are relying on double meaning such as patient doctor,broke fixer and stable changed