Hive ecosystem: First week and first demotivation

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


My role is to analyze the Hive ecosystem in order to optimize it

Here is the assessment after 7 days
When a new member subscribes to the Hive blogs they need power (HP) to be able to participate and generate income.

Delegations offered

  • is a very good tool which offers a small delegation of 7 days in order to let you participate in hive blogs.
  • @Ecency offered me automatically and from my registration: 5 HP of delagation (and 10pts of ecency)

My participation and my first earnings

With my participation I was able to win:


Financial report after 7 days

Via ecency blog


Via leofinance blog (

I Stake this Cents, I use it for #introduceyourself posts and vote for new users' posts. I write a "welcome":

"If you have trouble getting started or need assistance with conflicts, I might be able to help you: just call me with @evaluator.

Sponsorship - affiliation

Just by signing up to the community sponsor Regional Press and voting for the quality content they have selected and which is listed in @Target-Post or in @Post-Target

This new community has only 50 members.(I am preparing an interview on this community. What will a summary of this interview do that I will post: just for a first information, this team brings together a powerful network on the web and in real life they have more than 30,000 Affiliate members (investors).

  • I have used the ecency registration system and I already have 2 affiliates.
    here is, for those who wish it, my affiliate link (evaluator)

via ecency:

First demotivation

  • Ecency delegation after 7 days: I still have my 5 HP of delegation offered by ecency (thank you @ecency);

  • after 7 days, they have automatically withdrawn their delegation. As stated, I returned to their site for an extension and currently they no longer have delegation.

  • So First Blocking for a beginner: Very low RC and HP (voting strength) and no possible gains. The community really needs to think about this problem. Indeed, a beginner cannot before 30 days generate sufficient earnings to no longer need to be loosened up. By looking at the accounts of the other members, I could see that it takes at least 90 days to be able to be independent from Gifgiver (without investment or other help).

Weekend review

  • I think all new registrants should be offered a delegation of 30 HP for 90 days.

Here is a proposal: Offer 30HP to new registrants, under certain conditions, for example 50% of their income is shared with the delegatees (or a delegation pool).
I will therefore call on administrators, curators or investors to see if this offer is possible. If you know how to contact Giftgiver admins, please let me know in the comments.

Balance sheet: starting from zero, currently I have a little less than $ 2.5 (It's very little for 1 week with about 1 hour / day). But let us keep hope and continue our evolution.

Thanks for this week

I thank

  • The Giftgiver system for its delegation (shame that their account is very quickly discharged)

  • @ecency for direct and indirect support (via her delegation and the boost @hiveboost they gave to my introductory post)

  • @Hive-Affiliate, @hiveboost, and the team ** [INTERCOMMUNITY - HIVE - AFFILIATE] (/ created / I-H-A) ** for their votes, assistance and their boost

  • Cent's token system for their offer.

  • All who voted for my posts (and who I hope will continue to encourage me)

@angelblanc / @centtoken / @davidesimoncini / @demo123 / @dibblers.dabs / @duplicator / @ecency / @ecency.stats / / @esteemapp / @evaluator / @even-odd / @fedibio / @fikif / @fikif-curator / @follower-rewards / @food-booster / @free-forever / @free-of-charge / @gangstalking / @go3f / @good-karma / @gymfood / @hashtag-booster / @hive-184127 / @hive-affiliate / @hiveboost / @hive-booster / @hivepope / @itinerantph / @koussbar / @linlove / @liotes.cent / @manololo / @mondhero / @nutrition-rp / @pishio / @post-target / @proofofbrainio / @regionalpress / @rqr4 / @smartvote / @sultan-indo / @sv-krasnov / @target3f / @target-post / @wikihive /


Thanks, @evaluator.
the team that I represent and which is starting to arrive on Hive is indeed a very large community outside of Hive. I am trying to convince them to use the Hive ecosystem. They put in test members and there are some things that bother them. For example:

  • They seem to like @leofinance and their rigor.
  • They have an attraction for the @ecency platform, but would like more predictability for rewards by points and their boosts.
  • They love Peakd's catalogs, ...
  • ....

+=> Your proposal of 30 HP for beginners is very interesting and I will think about this alternative for our many affiliates.

Merci, @evaluator.
l'équipe que je représente et qui commence à arriver sur Hive est en effet une très grande communauté en dehors de Hive. J'essaie de les convaincre d'utiliser l'écosystème Hive. Ils mettent en test des membres et il y a des choses qui les dérangent. Par exemple:

  • Ils semblent aimer @leofinance et leur rigueur.
  • Ils ont un attrait pour la plateforme @ecency, mais aimeraient plus de prévisibilité pour les récompenses par points et leurs boosts.
  • Ils adorent les catalogues @Peakd , ...

Pour ceux qui est de votre proposition de 30 HP pour les débutants elle semble très intéressante et je vais réfléchir à cette alternative pour nos nombreux affiliés.

Keep up, I leave a !WINE and a !BEER for your trouble :)

Congratulations, @davidesimoncini You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINEX With @evaluator.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/2 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.070

Thanks for you !WINE and a !BEER

Hi @evaluator, You Have No Enough WINEX Tokens To Make A Successful Call.
Please Hold Atleast 25.000 WINEX Tokens.
(We Will Not Send This Error Message In Next 24 Hrs).


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.070

Hi, It didn't at all take me 90 days to get on my feet. I'm currently still less than my 60th day and I was able to delegate some HP to my sister who just got into Hive. I think that with consistent quality blogging, I was able to level up quickly. At first, it sucked, but it wasn't all that limiting

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, for your experience, and congratulations.
The 90 days are an estimate, and I know that for some a very good presentation page (introduction) is enough to be able from the first weeks to no longer need a minimum of delegations.
However, often very good quality and original posts are not seen by curators and this demotivates those who have wasted time writing them. Having more delegations and more time will allow them to be more likely to be noticed.

HiveStats by LeoFinance displays the full portfolio of different accounts.

HIVE does a great job at demotivating users. I wrote 200 posts before breaking the elusive 10 HIVE barrier. I finally broke down and bought some HIVE.

I finally broke down and bought some HIVE. People like to interface with those who are investing in the platform.

BTW: You are smart by concentrating on CENT. They have a decent interesting rate. I am curious to see if their peg to the US penny will hold.


We made the same observations as you. Yes, it is preferable to invest if you have to make the earning / time ratio. In this case **hive **will no longer be **decentralized **but centralized on investors with $$$$. This is why we are afraid to invest because we are looking for a real sharing communities.

Decentralization is determined by the ratio of investment. A centralized platform has just a few investors with the activity swirling around the small number of investors. A decentralized system will have thousands of investors.

IMHO, HIVE suffers from a concentration of wealth. There are a few investors with huge upvotes and a large number of people who dump there coins as they earn them.

For the platform to achieve its potential it needs to have hundreds of thousands of people holding between $100 and $1000 in HIVE.

I think the best approach to the platform is for users to decide the amount that they want invested in the platform. A good starting point is to look at the curation rewards.

HIVE does not payout curation rewards below 0.001 HIVE. Your curation rewards are determined by the HP in your account. One needs about 60 HP before the account starts receiving curation rewards. One needs to have about 120 HP before receiving a curation reward for each upvote.

A good investment strategy might be to buy a 100 HIVE and to sell off HIVE whenever the account has over 200 HIVE.

The minimum payout for a post is $0.02. When I decided to buy HIVE I decided I wanted to have enough HP so that my upvote was worth 0.02. That way, people would receive the upvotes for comments. That currently happens with a $520 investment. You can test different investments with The upvote calculator

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

I am still on low, but nice keep it up

Posted via

Thank you, you are one of the proofs of those I wrote.
I just viewed your posts since May 30, 2020. I have noticed that several of them are of good quality and original. Yet you received few positive votes. When I compare with other posts I say there is injustice and impartiality.
I encourage you to persevere.
Thank you again for some of your posts that I will read more deeply.

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