
The way I look at it is that some people legitimately suffer from gender dysmorphia. They go and have life-altering surgeries and do their best to try and become a man or a woman. I got nothing against these people if it comes from a legitimate place, and so long as they're not demanding that I turn my life upside down to accommodate theirs.

However, with the millennial class came this weird virtue signaling, theories on privilege and marginalized groups, and that some people should get held in different regard based on how marginalized they are. Thus began the victim Olympics, and since everything has become a power game (or grab) for these Marxist twats, seeking out the "powerful" and most marginalized identities is how to "win" this new and retarded game of theirs.

The notion of merit and getting gud at life has gotten erased from their vernacular or never installed in the first place. And this is in exchange for becoming the loudest and most whiney bitches on the planet. I'm obese, so put me on a pedestal and worship the ground below my feet. Oh yeah, I'm black, gay, and got dropped on my head as a baby, so you must worship me. Hold up, I'm "non-binary," and my vagenis is both a teepee and a wigwam.

And there you have it, last year's winner, until something even more stupid gets invented for people to take all too seriously. Seriously, these people sit in their homes and their classrooms and try and think up new ways to be the weirdest thing ever so they can be most marginalized and earn some privilege points from their peers for being the weirdest fuck around.

Somewhere along the line, they got the game all fucked up. Back when I went to school, you tried not to be weird. People mostly wanted to fit in, get along with others, and not stick out like a sore thumb. But now, the systems of educations are teaching people discrimination. Be rude and uncaring to this person because they are a straight white male, and meanwhile dote upon this other people because they're confused about what gender they want to be.

It's no wonder why kids are doing this shit. The teachers are training them in the classroom that everything is a power struggle, and to get the most power, you have to get as fucked up and weird as humanly possible and treat it all very serious-like. Case in point below. So yeah, we never should have let the communists infiltrate the teaching positions in the schools. They took a giant dump inside the heads of developing youth, and I'm not sure that all the deprogramming in the world will be able to put them back together again.

Suffice it to say: I don't have a problem with legit lesbians, gays, or trans people who aren't playing clown games. But once I get a hint that someone is clowning me with power games about however their gender identifies, that's when I lose all tolerance for them and their bullshit.

This should be a post, stick pictures in there are repost it!

All so true...

