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RE: Recur Pass, Gary Vee and Joe Lubin

in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)


That is the time left you guys have to purchase this pass on the recur website minus a few minutes it took to write this comment. Also this is the amount of time you guys have to post on here with #InfinityMission to have a chance to secure yourself a pass locked in at this price until the start of the new year. (You can choose not to exercise right but if it goes up you get free value pretty much). If only 2 people do this that mean they have a 50/50% chance to lock in this pricepoint until end of year.

Also the engagements tell me I probably won't be doing this in the future so get your chance at leverage a free risk.

Well looks like this opportunity expired I maybe lend out pass for free for mintings that people may need randomly


dang wish I had more confidence in this space... hopefully some of you joined half sold quick so my last 4 is now just 100$ each entry point for what was $300