
Shortsighted, with no regard for future generations.

We had exceptionally clean water, over last ten years it has become a cesspool. Big business pumping directly into rivers a major problem.

It's always about the bottom line.

Short cuts and devious traits, bottled water should never have started. Business gets away with small fine, pollute without second thought to what they do to the ecosystem. Along came plastic which we never had when young, look at that mess!

Plastics are everywhere. Trying not to ingest microplastics is almost impossible. Just recently I've come across some disturbing facts and just realized that I've been consuming them for the past 5 years or so without knowing. I should have a post together by day's end about this ordeal. I hope that if others are doing the same, this post will be enlightening and the fix is rather simple. Shame on me for not knowing.

There is good and bad in everything, we need to find balance. Plastic especially is being used by the tonne load, now evident in food arriving on the table. Look forward to reading your content.