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RE: The Quality Package

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Your piece is enlightening, all-encompassing and what I'll recommend for every newbie that comes into Hive.

I wish I had something like this to read through when I started but I had some help. One thing that was stressed to me over and over was engagement! I worked on it and I'm still on it.

I found my niche which is fiction writing and joined the necessary communities. Thanks for sharing these quality package points! 🙂


I wish the same. I had no such support when I joined and it took me lot of time to reach where I am right now. I think someone to guide you through can really be a lot of help.

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Agreed. A support system is always the best and willingness to receive the help and make use of it matters too.

I noticed there are some newbies that have support but don't make use of it for whatever reason.

You have come far @sugarandhaseth and you are doing great. 😊

I'm enjoying your niche so I'm very glad you found it and a place to share your dreams.

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