in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Value is define as the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. Values, as define above, usefulness of something, these word usefulness depends on the kind of thing, which can be influenced by an individual, or a particular person.
The mathematics of value as to do with the kind of people we relate, or walk with, these people will surely add on thing or the other to our life's.
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Take for instance;
If numbers in mathematics were allowed to speak, some will accuse zero (0) and one (1).

Why accusing zero and one, you may ask? Any number multiplied by zero gives you zero. Example, 20,000,000 X 0 = 0. Zero can bring down big numbers to nothing. Some human beings are like zero. If you associate with them, no matter how great your value is, they will bring you down to zero.
What about one (1)?

Any number multiplied by one remains the same (unchanged), no matter how big it is. Example, 20,000,000 X 1 = 20,000,000. Some people are like one. No matter how they touch your life, you remain the same. You will not grow, you will not improve, you just remain where you are.
What kind of person are you and who are your associates?
Grow yourself bigger and become greater so that when we touch the lives of others, we will add value.
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My grand dad always tell me something about value, he said " move with people that will add positive value to your life not the ones that will influence you badly".
Always walk with people that will add positive value to your life and not the people that will reduce you to nothing.
Thanks for reading. kuse6051

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