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RE: Welcome to the Word of the Week!

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

We all spur each other on. We are pioneers and all we can do is carry on. You are right about "out of the comfort zone". I'm with it but I have other priorities.Last week I thought the challenge was to write "Your Story" and I was challenged. Later I found that wasn't the word at all^^ ... And this week's challenge actually begins now.


No no. This week marks the start of season 4. The work of the week is happy. Also, I will no longer extend the contest to two weeks. Finally, I will no longer imbed the contest rules within stories. Some people understood the rules, others did not and I needed to fix that issue.

I see,

These simple words are more challenging.

Feel free to keep your stories on another post and link to the contest rules at the bottom.

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Don't share this with anyone (lol), but this season focuses on short, quick, and powerful words. The challenge round at the end of this season seeks to exploit the vicissim of their essence.

Sounds good ; )

Looking brighter

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A nice twist 😂👍