
Me too I like #POB, but I'm afraid I'm using it wrong?!... I'm just tagging them in my Actifit posts, but probably that's not the right way?...

Well, it is right. But, you can also go to their website and hang out aka surf in. You can earn POB token then stake or sell, it's up to you. 😉
🥦 !BBH 🥦

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

I like your gif photos LoL. By the way, how many LoL tokens I need to activate 01 to share?


Enjoy !LOL 😉👍

wooooooow, one more LOLZ for me and I can give away one daily??!!!

That's good 😆👏 Youll start spreading some laughter in the HIVE community haha 😄.
🥦 !LOL 🥦

Can't wait to use it, but it seem to come with a little delay? !hivebits

Oh there it is, and I already don't understand the joke :-(
Maybe you do:
What’s Forest Gump’s password?

What did the painter say to the wall?
One more crack like that and I'll plaster you!

Credit: reddit
@svanbo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mizuosemla
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/6)

I was so mad when I found out I was cloned.
I was litteraly beside myself.

Credit: reddit
@alexbb9700, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mizuosemla
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/6)