
It's not perfect, but it's efficient for me right now. I'm currently trying to put a story together for a contest on They're having a fiction story writing contest where 25 people(?) have the opportunity of winning 5K USD. Other runners-up will have access to the site for free during the course of one year.

I decided to combine the mini-stories I've written for the WOTW contest and develop them a bit further. I've got 73 days left to submit my story. I read through them again and I realized that the story is going backward since my article "The discord that fell the Tower". Each story since is a chapter before that first article.

It's so odd that things worked out that way. It turns out, that no one is a bad guy in the story. Not even fate and the cold cosmos were errant in their ways. Such is the nature of reality, however. Looking only in one direction only reveals some truth in that direction. It doesn't consider any fanciful quality at this time.

But I know now why the caelumic deity drives to commit horrors. It was his wife and child that caused humanity's despairs.

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I am intrigued and very much looking forward to reading the full publication once you are done. There is always more than one angle from which to view reality; it's all about perspective. We either "use it or lose it" ... I can't recall who said that first but it seems apt. A backward working story? Very intriguing. Can't wait😍🙌🙏

It was his daughter that he was losing. His wife, soul, and love become tormented over the life of her child.

Power and knowledge of the cosmos, in the palm of his hand.
He couldn't keep his heart from breaking.

It was driving him insane and yet in his insanity, he found a potential solution.

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