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RE: The Quality Package

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

It's just a degree that tells people I know a lot about a little. The importance of that to me is that it allows me to enter a higher bracket of pay automatically upon achievement at work. Also, between that and my upcoming certs in business and data analytics I can be pretty secure in the employment I'll have to seek out when my current place of employment shuts down in a couple of years.

My health issues (my back) should be resolved before March of next year. I'll be meeting with a surgeon in November to confirm the spinal fusion I need. After that, I'll be good to go. I'll have to do some exotic dancing to pay off the student loan bills, but my wife says she'll manage that part of my career well.


spinal fusion, 😳, that looks a bit serious, I don't have any knowledge of that. But I strongly wish you get better quickly and everything will be fine soon.

I have fractures in my spine. The phrase spinal fusion is nothing more than a fancy word to mean putting a bracket around the fractured portion of your spine to allow it to heal, but that bracket is never coming out.

In essence, they're going to make me a cyborg except without the fancy martial arts and superpowers.

OK, but you already have many super powers,😊 and after this you sure gonna be unstoppable ☺️👍