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RE: The Power of Fatherhood (POB Word of the Week: POWER #005)

Great post! It hit me hard because I am experiencing the experience of fatherhood in several of its phases! My daughter is five years old and her mother and I have been separated for two years. It was a very difficult phase initially and painful for everyone, but without a doubt it was necessary. And I, more than before,
I am committed to being the best father she could have, really! I take the role of father "very seriously" and teach everything I can, give her life experiences to remember with love and absorb every bit of what she gives me too! There are several means and influences that we will have on children.
And even though I come from an unbalanced home (due to the semi-absent figure of an alcoholic father), I took the best I could of him and only keep the best memories! Thanks for that post, friend!

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I took the best I could of him and only keep the best memories!

Very wise approach!

Something I didn't mention in the original post, but which is extremely relevant, especially in light of your situation, after their divorce, my mom and dad both went out of their way to NEVER talk bad about each other, at least not in front of my sister and me.

When a divorce occurs, one of the worst things a mother or father can do to their children is to try to diminish the importance of the other one.

Children need to have confidence and trust in their mom. And, equally, they need to have confidence and trust in their dad. Stealing either of those "diamonds of hope" from them is a grievous wrong.

Exactly man, this deal about not talk bad about each other its very important to make kids grow with healthy family even in divorce situation. Unfortunately are less parent that made this a serious deal. So much humans not prepared to live a real parenthood. But, focus on us and what we can do! And we do the best for us little creatures :)