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RE: When Is a Censor Not A Censor? The Wider Implication of Downvote/Cancel Culture on Hive.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

If you look at my recent posts you'll see all of the covid ones were zeroed - removing maybe 600 hive. Attempts to discuss the issue were met only with aggression really.


OMFG! I've just seen that. Well I certainly feel stupid now, seeing that you are victim of the same fate. Take it as a compliment, you've made it!

Are they following a downvoting trail? I see some weird similar downvoting percentage (37.83%) by different users. Well this isn't reassuring at all, it means we need to see hive as a working environment, and not a place for free speech.

Damn that's messed up, note to self keep calm and don't mention the vaxx I haven't got, or beliefs about the vid...

Sorry dude that's just shit. Glad to see you posting the facts on censorship, realistically if I don't like someones opinion I just don't read it.

Never really been one for downvotes. Just cause I don't like it doesn't mean it's not a valid opinion.

Let me also tell ya, I recognize some names in the downvoting trail, and they aren't for either masks or the jabs, so I don't understand.

Some are people who upvoted me on the same post and then downvoted as part of a trail.

I am contacting some, you should do the same.

It's happening to me all the time now, too, and I bet many of the trail followers do not approve. Abuse of an 'upvote' trail if you ask me. In times past a few trail followers removed themselves upon finding their stake was being used to downvote content they supported (mine)... but the downvotes by this account are becoming much more prolific these days, along with other accounts, it certainly seems coordinated by several parties involved.

This is fucked up.