Sleepwalkers: Are you one of them?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.


Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials

If someone asks you, right now, what is your biggest wish in life... What would you answer? Are you awake enough to answer these types of questions that involve your future? A lot of people sleep awake, and don't have a clear sense of it because they are being distracted by other things (and are lost in their own thoughts due to a lack of direction in what they want) at the same time that they spend energy just dreaming, without acting.

The paradox of "sleeping awake" affects our life in many aspects and I just mentioned a very traditional example to be able to illustrate this post, because it is easy to understand and mainly because - unfortunately - it is still a reality for millions of people. From my own experience, I was a "sleepwalker" when I was a teenager, because in my materialistic phase, I dreamed of having expensive items (such as a smartphone or notebook) without at least still working (relying only on my parents' money).

When I started working, I realized, right from my first job, that it could all become real from the moment I stopped sleeping on my feet and started taking action to make things happen. At the time, I was unable to do what I wanted, but abandoning my sleepwalker status was my biggest prize (and I only realized it, completely, some time later). How many people remain in this sleepy state and do not realize that they need to stop sleeping awake?

I really like this example of paradox, because it is very real and necessary for many people to understand that sleepwalking (when it is not a natural condition), is one of the worst choices that can be made in life, because it prevents you from seeing their own strengths to do amazing things. Explaining in other words: it is a greater self-sabotages that a human being can do with themselves because it kills all their dreams and prevents their personal growth.

This is my post for this contest , which has been promoted by @calumam.

Sonámbulos: ¿Eres uno de ellos?

Si alguien te pregunta, ahora mismo, cuál es tu mayor deseo en la vida ... ¿Qué responderías? ¿Estás lo suficientemente despierto para responder a este tipo de preguntas que involucran tu futuro? Muchas personas duermen despiertas y no tienen un sentido claro de ello porque están distraídas por otras cosas (y están perdidas en sus propios pensamientos debido a la falta de dirección en lo que quieren) mientras gastan energía solo en soñar, sin actuar.

La paradoja de "dormir despierto" afecta nuestra vida en varios aspectos y acabo de mencionar un ejemplo muy tradicional para poder ilustrar este post, porque es fácil de entender y principalmente porque - por desgracia- sigue siendo una realidad para millones de personas. Por mi propia experiencia, yo era un "sonámbulo" cuando era un adolescente, porque en mi fase materialista, soñaba con tener artículos costosos (como un teléfono inteligente o una computadora portátil) sin al menos seguir funcionando (confiando solo en el dinero de mis padres) .

Cuando comencé a trabajar, me di cuenta, desde mi primer trabajo, que todo podría volverse real desde el momento en que dejé de dormirme de pie y comencé a tomar medidas para que las cosas sucedieran. En ese momento, no podía hacer lo que quería, pero abandonar mi condición de sonámbulo fue mi mayor premio (y solo me di cuenta, por completo, un tiempo después). ¿Cuántas personas permanecen en este estado de sueño y no se dan cuenta de que necesitan dejar de dormir despiertas?

Me gusta mucho este ejemplo de paradoja, porque es muy real y necesario que mucha gente entienda que el sonambulismo (cuando no es una condición natural), es una de las peores elecciones que se pueden tomar en la vida, porque te impide viendo sus propias fortalezas para hacer cosas asombrosas. Explicando en otras palabras: es uno de los mayores autosabotajes que el ser humano puede hacer consigo mismo porque mata todos sus sueños e impide su crecimiento personal.

Este es mi post para este concurso, promovido por @calumam.

Sonâmbulos: Você é um deles?

Se alguém te perguntar, nesse exato momento, qual é o seu maior desejo na vida... O que você responderia? Será que você está acordado o suficiente para responder esses tipos de perguntar que envolvem o seu futuro? Muita gente dorme acordada, e não tem uma noção evidente disso porque elas estão sendo distraídas por outras coisas (e se perdem nos próprios pensamentos pela falta de direcionamento no que elas querem) ao mesmo tempo em que gastam energia apenas sonhando, sem agir.

O paradoxo de "dormir acordado" afeta à nossa vida em diversos aspectos e eu apenas mencionei um exemplo bem tradicional para poder ilustrar este post, porque é de uma fácil compreensão e principalmente porque - infelizmente - ainda é uma realidade de milhões de pessoas. Por experiência própria, eu já fui um "sonâmbulo" quando eu era adolescente, porque na minha fase materialista, eu sonhava em ter itens caros (como smartphone ou notebook) sem ao menos ainda estar trabalhando (contando apenas com o dinheiro dos meus pais).

Quando eu comecei a trabalhar, eu percebi, logo no meu primeiro emprego, que aquilo tudo poderia se tornar real a partir do momento em que eu parasse de dormir de pé e começasse a agir para fazer as coisas acontecerem. Na época eu não consegui fazer o que eu queria, mas abandonar o meu status de sonâmbulo foi o meu maior prêmio (e eu só percebi isso, por completo, algum tempo depois). Quantas pessoas continuam nesse estado sonolento e não percebem que precisam parar de dormir acordadas?

Eu gosto muito desse exemplo de paradoxo, porque ele é muito real e necessário para que muitas pessoas entendam que o sonambulismo (quando não é uma condição natural), é uma das piores escolhas que podem ser feitas na vida, porque ele impede que vocês enxerguem os seus próprios pontos fortes para fazer coisas incríveis. Explicando em outras palavras: é uma maiores auto sabotagens que um ser humano pode fazer consigo mesmo porque ele mata todos os seus sonhos e impede o seu crescimento pessoal.

Esse é o meu post para este concurso, que está sendo promovido por @calumam.

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Its a good entry to the contest. But even I had the similar problem of walking in the sleep and I used to go out of even my flat sometimes. However, as I changed my habit of sleeping late in the night I stopped the same.

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It appears you may be sleeping awake even now, sleepwalking in the literal sense wasn't the subject matter of the post.

(maybe you're being metaphorical)

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Good to know that you changed your sleep habits, @gimmetricks1. However, as @calumam said... You didn't quite understand the paradox in my post.

This post is shared to Twitter in support of @ocd and @ocdb's #posh initiative.

It's surprising how many people come across as "sleepwalkers" here within the community. Like your example of yourself when you were younger, it's not necessarily something that is apparent until you've done some soul searching or stumbled onto enlightening information. It's naive to assume that you aren't sleeping awake at any given moment.

Great food for thought.

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I think everyone has a phase of "sleepwalking" during their lives. The big problem is to stay in that phase forever.

Muita gente dorme acordada, e não tem uma noção evidente disso porque elas estão sendo distraídas por outras coisas (e se perdem nos próprios pensamentos pela falta de direcionamento no que elas querem

Perfeita colocação mais uma ves amigo!


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Valeu, amigo!

I think I remember one quote I saw somewhere as a child and that made me wake up from my sleepwalks. If I remember vividly it meant some people just dream dreams, while some wake up and start living their dream.

we are all guilty of sleepwalking. That is because it is easy to stay in our imaginations than to live in reality.

For reality makes us realized if we want something we need to work for it. And so we shy away from the hard work and prefer to stay where there is no work at all

Albeit, we need to stop sleepwalking, because we are sabotaging ourselves, and start taking up our cross and living our dreams

Great entry, I wish you luck in the contest

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Such a great comment, @edystringgz! True and inspiring.

Life is - mainly - about our actions!

Thank you very much. I appreciate

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The paradox of walking while you sleep is a matter of perception, I believe. I feel we all sleepwalk or sleep drive when something more important within us takes the helm allowing us to dream. How many times have we driven a car, or some other transportation, just to regain consciousness at our destination? Our act of moving, driving, or walking from one place to another becomes second nature. Once engaged in that activity, our minds force us to roam through a different reality while we do something very familiar in the real world.

I find my kids, sometimes apparently awake, in their place room with blocks scattered on the floor at 2 AM or some other ungodly hour. They call out to me or my wife because they can't get the pieces to fit when they're laying on the ground with their blankies as pillows. They wish to accomplish things they themselves couldn't get to during the day.

Thank you for your post. It was an amazing read.

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You have presented a very interesting side about "sleepwalkers" in other perceptions, @scholaris.pob.

Well done!

This is a great insight. What would the world look like if more of us were awake?

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What would the world look like if more of us were awake?

Damn it, @allcapsonezero! Haha... I think I would need to write an entire post in order to (try) to answer that question (because now I'm curious, thinking about the possibilities).

Hmm. Very good argument you're making here. It is all psychological, people are awake physically but their minds and brains are not awake and lively too. Usually due to ignorance, laziness and passiveness and inability to think for themselves.

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Muito bom, meu amigo.
Inclusive se me permite acrescentar, o sonambulismo desperto tem várias camadas de percepção. Percebo hoje, olhando para trás, o quanto parece que éramos mais "míopes" sobre determinados temas, e isso se repete anualmente, sempre percebendo que mudamos o filtro e que quem sabe teríamos feito diferente determinadas coisas. Mas não duvido do oposto, quem sabe nosso eu jovem teria mais energia e coragem para agir diferente de como temos atuado em vida na fase mais "madura". É um outro paradoxo. hahah

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Can't believe I almost missed the opportunity to send this track. Not sure if you are into hip hop, but this guy is on another level. The albums definitely worth a listen if you're into it.

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