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RE: community litter picking drive - Earn POB and save the planet week 5

in Proof of Brain • 3 years ago

clean up your streets and receive a strong upvote, thats the message!

I live in a small dead end village, and most of the streets are dirt roads, except two, which are concrete.

How do you clean a dirt road? 😂

 3 years ago (edited) 

must be some litter in a ditch or on the sidewalk somewhere?! if not you live in a unusually clean neighborhood!

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Rather depopulated. Approximately only 200 people lives here, and there are many abandoned buildings in this village. Some of them partially (or even completely) collapsed.

Wow sounds like you are out in the sticks, how is your internet connection?

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I use mobile internet. It often switches between Edge, 3G and 4G. Mostly it is on 3G. Sometimes there is no signal at all, which means that there is no service. I know nearby settlements, where you cannot even make a phone call indoor. Sometimes not even outdoor.

Wow thats amazing, shows pob truly has no boundaries!

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Lo adecuado sería animar a la comunidad a participar en la limpieza, poner en algunos lugares pipotes de basura. De momento puede que algunos marginen tu idea pero si limpias un área, la mantienes limpia, algunos harán lo que comenzaste. Puedes remover un poco las piedras y tapar los huecos en los caminos de tierras y para que se vea un poco mas bonito el area, con piedras adornas el camino.