
You point out that government but undertakes lawful authority in the breach, torturing Julian Assange for revealing crimes against humanity, and protecting Ghislaine Maxwell who committed crimes against humanity.

It is unacceptable to support government oppression against free people lawfully conducting their affairs while committing crimes against humanity. Where's the outrage against all governments of the world protecting Ghislaine Maxwell raping and pimping children to rich bastards?

Thanks for being outraged at the crimes we are suffering. Thanks for pointing out who the real criminals are, and that Julian Assange is defending us against those criminals, and that's why he's being tortured today.

Thanks for defending freedom.

What is happening to Assange is a war crime. I don't cover it as much, because it makes me depressed. The amount of rights everyone has lost, recently always astounds me. I guess my timing with the comment was bad, since the day after, Ghislaine was arrested. Although I think something else is going on there. Who knows. Maybe the Covid will get here.

Maybe you're having more of an impact than you think.