The fullness of one's wealth encapsulated in digits

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that in this 21st century wealth is not measured by the largeness of one's assets, though it can be but in most cases, many people would love to have their wealth encapsulated in just digits. Here comes the power of digits expecially when it comes to wealth, digits that we can spill out of our mouths so easily, it's kind of funny though.

Image from pexel

Everything that have an advantage also have a disadvantage, this is nyin exception. In this case I can say ZERO is one of the most influential digits 😂, you can go bankrupt by just adding one ZERO in a transaction, I remember how I father use to over emphasize on this issue, I use to like being fast in almost everything I do but when it comes to fund transfer, slow mode must be activated immediately 😂, I can't help another person to be rich with my funds 🤣.

Another disadvantage that I would never pray to experience is that is encountering SCAMMERS. Just as different areas in life are currently undergoing development, scammers are also advancing in different ways to lure their victims into gaining access to their digital properties or assets. In just a minute a, someone's life savings can be lost to a scammer, this is absolutely inhuman, some people can be this heartless.

Image source

Despite the fact that this disadvantages could be really bad, it's something we can avoid. One thing I've always known that leads to all these disadvantages is CARELESSNESS, being so careless about things can be as bad as hurting yourself, sometimes we take some information for granted and it might be so important in our operations.


one frustrating thing I always hate, when I think I know the password and then it turns out that I don't really know it, or maybe I'm just missing on letter or number 😖😭, I recently had an experience of that nature, I'm sure we all know how terrifying it feels.

Speaking of advantages, the advantage I'w always love about digital wealth is that it's a simple as it looks, all you need to do is secure your account details and that's it.

Thanks for reading, see you next time

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 last month  

Just about anything can change with one digit, indeed. I mean, just one zero in transaction can make me send a ten thousand instead of one thousand. As as for passwords, oh boy... It's why I try to keep my passwords simple as I grow older. Thanks for sharing, man. I should mention, though, that it would be preferable if you talk about "how you do things digitally," as that would be more in line with the community's scope. Something like, how you keep your digital wallets safe. Kindly keep this in mind in your future content here. Intriguing title, by the way.

Thanks for coming around 🙏

 last month  
