Writing ideas to get you inspired. We only ask that you do YOU, add value, and follow the guidelines. You may visit the community scope for more insights and content ideas.
📝 If Your Digital Life Was a Movie...
Imagine your digital life was turned into a movie. What would the title be—something dramatic like "The Reconnecting Chronicles" or maybe something more playful like "An Endless Scroll"? Think about what the plot would focus on, and remember to align with the community scope.
- Stay on topic, craft your masterpiece with a unique title, and ensure it has at least 300 words.
- Be mindful to indicate sources of images that aren't yours (or AI-generated).
- Consider using INLEO. Learn here.
- Original content. English only.
- Promote on Discord.
You're welcome to share content outside of this prompt yet within community scope. Let us know your questions and suggestions if you have any. See you soon with your mastercraft!
D i s c o r d
C u r a t i o n T r a i l
Seems like people will be telling on themselves writing for this prompt. But that's what I'm here for. Lol
Hehehe. Just bring in your entry. Let me read you 😑😑
I’ll sit this one out, ma’am.😂
I know what yours will be💀
Jokes on you. I’m not writing.😂