Life In A Different Time: Tales Of TVs, Tech And Nostalgia

I'm trying to remember if we even bothered to use the remote on our old TV back then, the buttons on the TV were more than enough lol. You'd see us going in turns to increase or decrease volume, change the view and in the times when the TV misbehaves, we hit it to come back to it's senses. We used the remote mostly when we're all cuddled in... Life in a different time indeed.

Back then, we'd seat very close to the TV watching our favourite animated movies repeatedly until dad comes home with a new collection. Our CD player was never in agreement with us when we keep trying to watch same disk over and over but we'd be in full joy to see a new collection from start to finish without the hurtful skips and rumple inbetween... Oh those days!


I think we were lucky to have had the coloured TV but I remember dad said it was expensive, I wonder how expensive it must have been, maybe it could be compared to having a smart TV now lol. The first time I saw a black and white TV was in an older man's house years back and I appreciated the fact that I grew up with a colored TV. Our colored TV wasn't very colored though lol.

At least, we could actually guess the colours of the wears the characters in the TV had on. There was an option in the remote and TV buttons to adjust the colours, even to black and white if we wanted and trust us kids to have abused it a good number of times to have a very brighter colour to see. I wonder if we were the only ones who tried to watch TV at 100% colourness lol.

I remember a lot of times we fought over remote but believe me, the fight never lasted long because we had the option to use the TV buttons if we can't access the remote. When dad's around, he's totally in charge of the remote especially if we're seeing his own weird Chinese action movies, lol. They were really weird movies with lines like "I will kill you and you will die" 😂


Now that I think about it, we spent a lot of our childhood time in front of a TV thanks to my dad for providing the opportunity and was even diligent in updating our collections especially the ones from Barbie. Today, we hardly go where the TV is to turn it on. Even Gotv care services are calling and literally begging us to subscribe our channel back on but we're yet to have reason to.

It would be a lie if I say I don't miss those days but for the fact that it is impossible to go back to those times, I appreciate having the memory of it and feeling this excitement to write about it. Indeed, those days are part of what brought my family closer as we'd see same movie at a time, laughing and talking about it, building memories that are so beautiful to think back to now.

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Those memories were great but I never miss those days because I am getting better facilities now. Now I don't bother to watch tv as I can see whatever I want in my pc and mobile.

Lol I still miss those days but it doesn't mean I want to go back to it 😅

was even diligent in updating our collections especially the ones from Barbie.

My guy!!! 👍🤝😂 oh the joy of collecting barbie cartoons was unmatched! I just remembered that the TVs and DVDs had controls on them. 😂 I don't know what eats the buttons on the remote but the particular button for fast-forwarding is usually the first to get missing.
Good old days for real.

Lol I see you can totally relate to how it was for us then, so the fast forward button defect happens to others 🤣

They were really weird movies with lines like "I will kill you and you will die" 😂

Crazy! But they must be good old time for your Pops.

I wonder if the next generation of kids will even care about TV...

I doubt that!

Sitting in-front of the Tv was something all of us did. It was more like we want to enter the Tv.😂😂
Gone were the days.

If only we could go into the TV really 😂

I tell you.😂

Hahaha 😂 honestly when you look back then and then consider the present. You'll notice that change is constant and you can attain whatever height you wish to attain in life. Thanks for this thoughtful post.

Haha true, thanks for stopping by.

Those days where really fun to talk about.

Yeah, they were

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