What’s Beyond these Sacrifices?...

in Tarot Community24 days ago



Nothing could you easily walk away from if you’ve been there forever
Nothing could you easily forget and run away from if you’ve been there once
Nothing could you steal away from the moments that make too much sense
Nothing could change that easily if you’re already used to it more often than chance…

I want to protect my sanity in days ahead, if only I knew if this is for me or not
I want to protect my dreams for years ahead if only I know where I stand in this journey
I want to protect my time from all of the days spent if only I could see what’s beyond these sacrifices
I want to protect my life, spare it from the hurt or the broken dreams if only I could know what to believe in…

This time, I’m not resisting any change, any time I could give back to the time and efforts
This time, I’m not resisting any thoughts, or any movement that makes sense to pass this feeling back
This time, I’m not resisting any emotions, not counting how much to give or how much to take
This time, I’m not resisting any knowledge, along the way I know everything will soon have its meaning…

I couldn’t change everything just like that, but I know what’s worth it and what’s more beyond things
I couldn’t wish everything just like that, but I know what I want and what that makes of me
I couldn’t make everything just like that, but I know what I can make out of this time I still have
I couldn’t get everything just like that, but I know that we’re all here for a reason that is greater than you can imagine…

Out of this time
More beyond things
Soon to have meaning
Greater than you can imagine


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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