THE GRIND: No. 111

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year


Welcome to our curation compilation of some amazing original coffee stories from community members around the globe. It's been an amazing week with joyous stories surrounding the history, pleasures, and fascination that we all have for our favourite beverage, coffee, that we have skimmed for throughout the week.

Cinnamon Cup Coffee likes to boost your energies with our strong coffee content, so here are some outstanding ones, which we thought you'd like to check out.
If you like them too, why don't you show some love, share, and perhaps have a chat with the authors:)

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Wrong Drop Off at "Coco + Maco Patisserie" by @juecoree

The signage read "Coco + Maco Patisserie". I passed by this place countless times, but it was the first time I had known there was a cafe just the corner. Well, I decided to take refuge and have a coffee before going home. I went and ordered an iced latte and a small box of macaroons.

Not So Ordinary #2: Coffee by @tibfox


Every single day I drink at least one cup of coffee (but more like 5 cups). It became an ordinary thing for me and that's why I wanted to include "coffee" into the series. While creating the video I have learned a lot about coffee - the history, use and a few economical things. More in the video!

Coffee Nirvana in Cebu IT Park: Teology Cafè & Restaurant; More than just a coffee shop by @yzamazing

This place is a one-stop shop for all your milk tea, coffee, and gourmet food cravings. It’s a great place to hang out with friends or just relax on your own. I haven’t been to any of their previous branches, but the staff told us that this site is their biggest yet, and we were particularly impressed with the ambience of the place.

Roaming for Roasts: Meet Taobin, The Smart Robotic Barista by @macchiata

Are baristas going to be obsolete?
Well, they might as well be in the future. Love or hate it with the advancement of technology, somebody out there will figure out how to create a self-serving coffee machine that serves it just like how it’s done at the cafe.

A week later and nothing really happened. I’m enjoying my morning coffee straight from Kenya! by @mdosev

Enjoying the coffee is a lot more pleasant when the surroundings are colorful. All these flowers came home for the International women’ day which was three days ago. This may be a good opportunity to salute all ladies in hive, or at least who see my post today. The world would definitely be a lot more boring and dull without you. Be happy and prosperous!

Cats Coffee and Cheasecake by @diveratt

Stopping for a coffee and a cake is a great way to spend an hour or so and no one seems to mind if you drag it out a bit. The views are much better than any Costa I have been in. We also found a place that was very generous with it’s slices of cheesecake, so we had a few visits to check the quality was always up to a good standard and we were not disappointed.

Cookies and coffee a perfect combination by @wendyth16

The weekend is always full of freedom for me, when it comes, the best therapy I can do is to go out to a coffee shop, it is the ideal meeting place with my friends, there are very varied and popular and recognized coffee shops, and that's why we always go to the same ones no matter what others can bring us good products and good moments.

El Work Coffee Shop ☕♥️ in Tenerife 🇮🇨 by @royvego55

My intention to visit this place was because on social media they were talking very well about this small and cozy cafe. They have a big artificial cherry tree and I think it's cute, it looks very chic to take epic photos in the place. On the other hand, don't think that they only serve coffee and savory dishes. Their menu is very extensive and ranges from typical coffees, special coffee-based drinks, baggels, sandwiches, pizzas and many delicious sweets.

The coffee shop blog 30 “ Lovers Blend “ by @meilo1995

This lovers blend coffee is a medium to dark roast . Unfortunately the blend dose not give what beans where used for the coffee . There for it will be a pretty good challenge to guess the beans ... I am going to try and guess what beans where used and see if I am correct . The coffee was made I believe for a client as gift to his love so the roasters enjoyed the flavors so much that they decided to place it on their coffee bean menu as well.

Charlotte Sweet & Coffee Enjoying a Coffee with Friends by @crisch23

The attention, the decoration, the care and the team of this place, allows you to feel comfortable so that ideas flow, open your heart, make known who you are and what you want to achieve by doing these courses, I thank my family, because if it were not for them I could not attend.

Spending Time at The end of The Weekend with a Glass of Ice Coffee and Little Brownies by @sitinurfauziyyah

As the weekend draws to a close, many of us are left with a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, we're sad that the fun and relaxation of the weekend is ending. On the other hand, we're excited for the week ahead and the opportunities it brings. One way to savor the last moments of the weekend is by indulging in a delicious treat like a refreshing iced coffee and a delectable brownie.

Thank you for checking out #TheGrind, 3Cs Coffee Curation of awesome coffee posts from the community.

If you are a coffee lover and looking for somewhere to share your experiences, please check out Cinnamon Cup Coffee and subscribe right here.

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Thanks for the mention

 last year  

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-4.jpg
Image belongs to @millycf1976

Hi! Thanks a lot for the mention. It's a pleasure to share content with you ❤️☕

 last year  

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-5.jpg
Image belongs to @millycf1976

For me it is a privilege to belong to this great coffee community, I love you all very much.

 last year  

It's great to have loyal members who are very active. We appreciate you:)

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-3.jpg
Image belongs to @millycf1976

You are a great coffee-loving team like me

I appreciate the support @cinnccf team. Thank you! By the way, I love the diversity of the collection presented. I like how each coffee shop offer an experience that we can't forget. This are hidden gems indeed.

 last year  

Thank you! Yes, the variety of shops and the stories and experiences are so lovely to read. I felt that way especially when I read yours.

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-5.jpg
Image belongs to @millycf1976

Thank you for the support! 😊 It's always a pleasure to share stories in the community.

 last year  

Authors like you help to keep this community vibrant with interesting stories to read:)))

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-4.jpg
Image belongs to @millycf1976

Thaks a lot for the mention. For me it's a pleasure to be in this great community, for the final word thank you for the support @cinnccf team.

 last year  

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-4.jpg
Image belongs to @millycf1976

Thank you ! For the mention !!! 🥳🥳🤩🤩