Collectible coffee mugs ☕ 1st part Esp-Eng


Today was a day to recreate myself, as the situation for me has not been easy, but to thank life for one more day, it really is wonderful.

Yesterday I traveled to a nearby city to accompany a good friend during the burial of her mother, I think being present was important, since losing a loved one and invaluable is not an easy time to process.

After accompanying my friend, I decided to go shopping at the mall, I was grieving for my friend's situation and a little distraction to my mind would do me good.

I arrived at a very popular store and went in since they also sell household items and I had been told that they have different types of coffee mugs and without hesitation I started to look at the types of mugs and prices they had.


The truth is, I found some collectible coffee mugs that I loved, I didn't buy any, because even though I had to pay my paycheck, by that time they hadn't deposited anything and well I couldn't buy anything.

But for me it was a great show to see this kind of mugs, I love them, they are of Marvel animated figures, Pokémon, Disney movies and Garfield, most of them were all my favorites.

I hope to be able to buy one or maybe two the next time I visit this place, it would be a special option for my mug collection, for sure it will be a very special moment shared with any of these beautiful and decorative mugs.


I loved the variety, there is something for all tastes and I think that is excellent when it comes to buying, the prices are affordable between 10$ and 12$.

They are quality cups, decorative and very striking, ideal for drinking your coffee at any time of the day or simply to collect.

My walk was a total success, because although I could not buy I could definitely enjoy. ☕♨️🤎.



tazas de café coleccionables ☕ 1era parte

Hoy fue un día para recrearme, ya que la situación para mí no ha sido fácil, pero agradecer a la vida por un día más, realmente es maravilloso.

Ayer viaje a una ciudad cercana para acompañar a una buena amiga durante el sepelio de su mamá, creo que estar presente fue importante, ya que perder a un ser amado e invaluable no es un momento facil de procesar.

Después de acompañar a mi amiga, decidí ir de compras hasta el centro comercial, me sentía afligida por la situación de mí amiga y un poco de distracción a mi mente me sentaría muy bien.

Llegué a una tienda muy popular y entre ya que también venden artículos para el hogar y me habían dicho que tienen diferentes tipos de taza para café y sin dudar me puse a ver los tipos de tazas y precios que habian.

La verdad, me encontré con unas tazas de café de colección que me encantaron, no compre ninguna, porque aunque me tocaba pago de quincena, para la hora no habían depositado nada y bueno no podía comprar nada.

Pero para mí fue un gran espectáculo ver este tipo de tazas me encantan, son de figuras animadas de Marvel, Pokémon, de películas de Disney y Garfield, en su mayoría todas fueron de mis favoritas.

Espero poder comprar una o quizás dos la próxima vez que visite este lugar, sería una opción especial para mí colección de tazas, de seguro será un momento sumamente especial compartido con cualquiera de estas hermosas y decorativas tazas.

La variedad me encantó, hay para todos los gustos y eso me parece excelente a la hora de comprar, los precios son accesibles entre 10$ y 12$.

Son unas tazas de calidad, decorativas y muy llamativas ideales para tomar tú café a cualquier hora del día o simplemente para coleccionar.

Mi paseo fue un total éxito, porque aunque no pude comprar definitivamente pude disfrutar. ☕♨️🤎.

Photographs of my authorship taken with my Samsung A10 camera phone edition with the Griart.



They look funny and I definitely would want to buy some if I was a bit younger! 😁 Maybe the kids will be quite excited if they drink their milk from one of these.

Yes, it all depends on the age and tastes, although they are ideal for collection.

Que bellezas de tazas, las amé

They really are a spectacle, I love them.
I am also excited to enter a place where they sell mugs and recreate the view with so many models.
These moments, believe it or not, take us away from our worries for a while, and relax us a lot.
A hug friend.

A much-needed moment to distract the mind

Esas tazas traen recuerdos de la infancia quizá sea ese el motivo por el cual nos sentimos atraídas. También me encantan.

The designs are beautiful part of our childhood are certainly and collect or share a delicious coffee with them would be ideal 😍.

They are also one of my favorites 😍 hope to be able to purchase some of these mugs.

Beautiful mugs to collect...I loved the Garfield one 😍

Yes, they are all beautiful and Garfield is also one of my favorites.

What beautiful mugs my friend, if I saw a mug like that and I have the money I wouldn't hesitate to buy them hahaha. Sincerely I was delighted with the batman mug and also with the Pokémon mugs, they look too cute, greetings!

All of them are beautiful and worth buying any of these if they are worth buying.

I loved the motifs, especially the Garfield and Pokémon one 😍, I can see myself enjoying a good coffee in one of those cups, the important thing is that you enjoyed the visit, soon buy the right one 🥰

Yes the visit to the store was an enjoyment and the mugs a delight and well soon maybe I'll go for the right one.