Cappuccino and chocolate candy


Lately, the power outages around here where I live have increased a lot, being a very desperate and stressful situation, since one can not do anything and the worst thing is that it goes for about three or four hours a day. This happened to us yesterday Saturday afternoon, which no one expected this power outage and we were left without doing anything, so we agreed and went to one of the cafes in the center of the city and that way we could enjoy a good coffee and wait for the light to arrive at the house, so we could continue with the other activities that we had pending to do.

The coffee shop as always is always full and sells a series of coffee that are of very good quality and perfect to enjoy with family, alone and have a great time. Arriving in the afternoon, we had to wait a few minutes to find an empty table and begin to order what was to be consumed in that opportunity, several times ordered the same traditional coffee with milk, so rich and economical it is, although it has a variety of coffees for sale, so yesterday was the opportunity to try something different and see how they are, since the number of people in the cafeteria says it all, so we made our order and then go to cancel and thus begin to enjoy.


This time I ordered a cappuccino coffee, which had some time that I had not had one of those and this time I was very surprised to see it on the menu of that coffee shop, since it is one of the most important and basic coffees, knowing that this is a coffee that is prepared with an espresso and evaporated milk that they have right there. This coffee had a cost of 1.5 $ for being of that type and even so I found it very good, besides they served it in a black cup with its respective plate so that it is very elegant and to be in love with that coffee shop, we all asked for that coffee and in that way to be able to give us a great family taste, besides with the hope that the light will arrive at home.

I liked the coffee very much, since the cappuccino has that touch that characterizes it and without a doubt I added a little more extra sugar that they placed on the table and in that way it will be very rich, in addition I could not miss the great decoration in the foam of the coffee, which gives it a special touch, where if we compare this coffee with a normal coffee with milk, the great difference is noticed and the flavor will never be the same, that is why it is important to know how to recognize them.



The coffees for this opportunity came with a small sweet, being a big surprise for everyone, since most of those sweets are paid, so I enjoyed it to the fullest and it was a kind of chocolate truffle, large with a sugar coating, something that caught my attention and it was the first time I saw it and it is amazing the way it is prepared. I ate it little by little, since it was something too sweet and a pure chocolate with that bitter touch, I guess the sugar was to cover that bitterness, being a candy that in my case I would not eat again or at least they were smaller balls and more passable for the occasion.


We were all happy and content sharing that great moment and even more enjoying that great cappuccino coffee in the afternoon, we stayed there waiting for everything to be finished, and this time my mom was the last one to finish her coffee, since it took her a little while and I am sure she enjoyed it. When we returned home we noticed that the power was out and it took almost two hours to come back on, and now we have to be prepared for that next cut and despite that the coffee will never be missing. 3.png



First of all, what a stress and agony to have an unannounced power outage. It's impossible to be able to organize a day like that, and all that goes with it, taking care of appliances, etc... it makes me very sad to read that these things don't end up getting fixed. I hope it doesn't happen so often again.

At least the coffee shop was in a location that wasn't affected by the power outage, that's the good thing. I love reading that you decided to vary the choice of coffee a bit, trying different things is what helps train the palate hahaha. I'm not crazy about lattes, but a good cappuccino doesn't bother me, this one looks beautiful, they have taken great care with the presentation and the volume of foam.

In a coffee of this style those visual and sensory elements are very important, in the end you pay a little more for that and it has to be up to par. I imagine that because of the price it is also accompanied with that truffle, I love them, I remember that in Venezuela they make them with a condensed milk base, that's why it could seem so sweet despite the strong chocolate flavor. Hahaha I love them!

Primero que nada, que estrés y qué agonía el corte de electricidad sin previo aviso. Es imposible poder organizar un día así, y todo lo que conlleva, el cuidado de los electrodomésticos, etc… me da mucha pena leer que estas cosas no terminan de arreglarse. Espero que no vuelva a pasar con tanta frecuencia.

Al menos la cafetería estaba en una ubicación que no le afectó el apagón, eso es lo bueno. Me encanta leer que han decidido variar un poco la elección del café, probar cosas diferentes es lo que ayuda a entrenar el paladar jajaja. Los café con leche no me apasionan, pero un buen capuchino no me molesta, este se ver hermoso, han tenido mucho cuidado con la presentación y el volumen de espuma.

En un café de este estilo esos elementos visuales y sensitivos son muy importante, al final pagas un poco más por eso y tiene que estar a la altura. Imagino que por el precio es que va acompañado ademas con esa trufa, a mé me encantan, recuerdo que en Venezuela las hacen con base de leche condensada, por eso pudo parecerte tan dulce a pesar del fuer

Eso de la luz es mas estresante y ahora se va en el momento que uno menos lo espera, siendo muy chimbo. Sin duda la salida ayudo mucho y ese cafe estaba en su punto.

At least, with so many unforeseen power cuts, you were able to enjoy a good cup of coffee.

ASaludos @davidpena21

It was a wonderful time at that moment.

 3 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by!-2.jpg

Thank you very much for your support, best regards.

 3 months ago  

I'm glad that you were able to have such a nice experience after the power outage, I cannot image how frustrating it is to never know when the power will go.

Both the coffee and desert look awesome, as does the vibe of this cafe! 😄

Being without light is the worst, since it does not let you do anything and even more so when you work from the computer, without a doubt you had a great time.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been manually curated by @rosmiapure on behalf of Inner Blocks:
a community encouraging first-hand content, and each individual living their best life.

Thank you very much for your support, best regards.

I can feel that when there is a power outage, it is very annoying. Your choice is very appropriate when there is a power outage to go to a coffee shop.

It is the best way to have a good time.

A coffee that was very good and perfect to spend a great time with the family, also that choice to try something new was worth it, and now we have to keep enjoying and hope that the light does not go away anymore.

Everything was great and perfect for a great time.

What a good proposal you make us and how useful because you did something that you like avoiding that annoying power outage and that here are fashionable.

The proposal of that cappuccino with chocolate seems very good and the cafeteria has a good atmosphere and the presentation you make is very elegant. Happy day dear davidpena21. Cheers and greetings.

Those power outages are stressful and do not allow one to be calm, it was certainly a great time and a very good sharing.

It is important to look for positive solutions to problems and negative situations because the blackout alone generates discomfort.
I'm glad you escaped all that in the company of those you love and enjoying something you love. Happy journey. Cheers and best regards.

Thank you, best regards.


Saludos! Que bueno que te tomes tu tiempo y espacio para compartir con tus seres queridos, compartirmos el mismo gusto por el Cappuccino, es uno de mis cafés favoritos! Gracias por compartir con todos nosotros tus vivencias! Saludos!

Ese café es lo máximo y ahora cada vez que pueda ir a una de las cafeterías, pedire ese.

Te lo recomiendo! Saludos!