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RE: My Coffee Madeleine !!

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

thanks ! yes i love madeleines i bake them on so many ways but the classic are my favorite , i always am looking for new combinatios and flavours like this. i can tell you that the magic is on the shake you have to mix very very well the butter with sugar this is the key. !

 3 years ago  

Ah, I just re-read your recipe. The baker actually made "Lemon Madeleines". Absolutely delicious! From your post I've now discovered all the different possibilities of flavours. I'll try that chocalate coffee one for my husband, and I will try maybe a tarty flavour for myself.
I appreciate this idea because it is winter and a nice thing to do indoors :)
I will remember your tip about the butter and the sugar😉😊
Thank you!