Cold or Hot?, Frappuccino or Mocaccino, Which one do you prefer?..

Hello hello my friends who love coffee, I hope you are doing well, and have had a great weekend, today I am sharing with you the two coffee drinks that I prepared in the afternoon, normally at home we have a snack with black coffee, the adults haha, but Today, my husband told me that he wanted a mocaccino, although I love this mixture of coffee and chocolate, I am more into drinks with coffee and cream, so, I thought about a Frapuccino, prepare both, as I have already told you I have a weakness for these coffee drinks that have cream, well, everyone enjoys their drinks with the magical ingredient, Coffee and I want to share with you how I prepare each one. I'll tell you.

Cold or Hot, Which do you prefer? Frappuccino or Mocaccino?

Frapuccino, Ingredients:

  • A cup of strong black coffee.

  • Half a cup of milk.

  • 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of brown or white sugar.

  • Chocolate syrup, or melted chocolate. Two spoons.

  • A teaspoon of Dulce de leche or arequipe. (Optional)

  • Milk cream.

  • 2 Tablespoons of powdered sugar.

  • Ice in cubes.


1- The first thing we do is prepare the chantilly cream. To do this, we beat the heavy cream, together with the tablespoons of powdered sugar, until we obtain a firm consistency. We reserve.

2- We prepare the glass where we are going to serve the coffee, I didn't have chocolate syrup so I melted some chocolate bars, then we spread a little arequipe and melted chocolate inside the glass, and then we made our mixture.

3- Now, we add the ice, coffee, milk and sugar and mix until we obtain a homogeneous mixture, frozen type, we add the mixture to the glass that we decorate, and finally, we add the chantilly cream, I decorate it with a little of chocolate, and that's it, we enjoy this delicious coffee drink, for me, it is one of the best.

For the Mocaccino, we need:

  • 1 Cup of strong black coffee or espresso.

  • 1/2 cup of hot milk.

  • Two tablespoons of cocoa powder.

  • Sugar to taste.


1- We mix the milk with the chocolate, and heat without boiling, beat with the mixer or electric whisk, for a minute or so, or until we see that it has foamed.

2- Then we add the black coffee and sugar, beat for a few more minutes, and ready we serve, and decorate with a little cocoa powder, and enjoy this delicious coffee and chocolate drink.

I hope you liked these two coffee drinks, my favorite, I already told you, is the Frapuccino, I hope you tell me in the comments which one is your favorite, see you next time. Blessings.

Thank you for reading and supporting my posts💗

All images are my property.


Hola hola mis amigos amantes del café, espero que esten muy bien, y hayan pasado un excelente fin de semana, hoy les comparto las dos bebidas con café que prepare en la tarde, normalmente en casa merendamos con café negro, los adultos jaja, pero hoy, mi esposo me dijo que le provocaba un mocaccino, aunque me encanta esta mezcla de café y chocolate, yo soy más de las bebidas con café y crema, asi que, pense en un Frapuccino, prepare los dos, como ya les he comentado tengo debilidad para estas bebidas con café que llevan crema, pues bien, cada uno disfruto de sus bebida con el ingrediente mágico, Café y les quiero compartir cómo prepare cada una. Les cuento.

Frío o Caliente, Cuál prefieres?. Frapuccino o Mocaccino?.

Frapuccino, Ingredientes:

  • Una taza de café negro bien cargado.

  • Media taza de leche.

  • 1 y 1/2 Cucharada de azúcar morena, o blanca.

  • Sirope de chocolate, o chocolate derretido. Dos cucharadas.

  • Una Cucharadita de Dulce de leche o arequipe. (Opcional)

  • Crema de leche.

  • 2 Cucharadas de azúcar impalpable.

  • Hielo en cubos.


1- Lo primero que hacemos es preparar la crema chantilly, para esto, batimos la crema de leche, junto las cucharadas de azúcar impalpable, hasta obtener una consistencia firme. Reservamos.

2- Preparamos el vaso donde vamos a servir el café, yo, no tenía sirope de chocolate así que, derreti unas tabletas de chocolate, entonces, untamos un poco de arequipe y chocolate derretido dentro de el vaso, para luego hacer nuestra mezcla.

3- Ahora si, agregamos el hielo, el café, la leche y el azúcar y mezclamos hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea, tipo frozen, agregamos la mezcla al vaso que decoramos, y por último, añadimos la crema chantilly, yo lo decore con un poco de chocolate, y listo, disfrutamos de esta deliciosa bebida de café, para mi, es una de las mejores.

Para el Mocaccino, necesitamos:

  • 1 Taza de café negro bien cargado o espresso.

  • 1/2 taza de leche caliente.

  • Dos cucharadas de cacao en polvo.

  • Azúcar al gusto.


1- Mezclamos la leche con el chocolate, y calentamos sin que hierva, batimos con la batidora o varilla eléctrica, durante un minuto más o menos, o hasta que veamos que hizo espuma.

2- Luego agregamos el café negro, y azúcar, batimos por unos minutos más, y listo servimos, y decoramos con un poco de cacao en polvo, y a disfrutar de esta delicia de bebida de café y chocolate.

Espero que les haya gustado estas dos bebidas de café, mi favorita, ya se los dije, es el Frapuccino, espero que me digan en los comentarios cual es su preferido, nos vemos en la próxima. Bendiciones.

Gracias por leer y apoyar mis post💗

Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad.

 5 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by!-2.jpg

Hello, it is always a pleasure to stop by here. Thanks for the support.😎

 5 months ago  

I can understand why you prefer the Frappuccino, your recipe looks divine! I must confess, I have not had an exact Mocaccino, just something very similar. Due to this, I think it impossible for me to pick! 😂

It was fun to read through your process and see all the steps you take to craft these sweet drinks, thanks for sharing!

Hello my friend, haha, isn't it true that the Frappuccino is irresistible? hahaha, I'm glad you liked it, greetings, thanks for stopping by.🤗

Thank you for sharing the recipe. it must taste very delicious. I prefer to drink it hot

Hello my friend, I'm glad you liked it, thank you for leaving me your opinion and support. blessings.

This is unique and divine beautiful 😍. The way you prepared the cold glass of coffee is so amazing and appetizing.

I love my coffee ☕️ hot and creamy.

Thanks for inspiring us. Happy new week and lots of blessings ❤️😇.

Hello friend, the truth is that this cold coffee is a delight, I wouldn't change it for anything haha. Thank you for stopping by, supporting and leaving me your opinion. Hugs.

Lovely 🥰 one indeed my friend. Needs to be tried out.

Wishing you a productive successful week beautiful 😻.

No he probado el café frío, pero el que nos muestras luce delicioso, creo que soy capaz de probar uno así.

It's a delight my friend, I'm sure you'll love it. Thanks for stopping by, greetings

Cómo mi mocaccino ninguno, Pero este frapuchino sobre paso los límites, se ve muy apetitoso, me dieron ganas de tomarme unos. Una preparación hermosa. Abrazos amiga

Jjajaja lo sé, que tu preferido es el mocaccino, pero estoy segura de que este cafe frio también te encantaria mi amiga. Gracias por pasar, abrazos.

Excellent recipes you share with us at the beginning of the week. Definitely for me the Franpuccino looks more delicious and appetizing.

Thanks for sharing your recipes with us.☕

Happy Monday.