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RE: CLOSED - Coffee Conversation: Event 58

In Venezuela, most people like to have their coffee light and sweet; we have guayoyo, which is basically an Americano. It's the kind of coffee you'll get if you visit any house around here; they'll offer you coffee 99% of the time, even if they don't know you well. And several people may politely complain if the coffee is too strong; they'll probably say, Está cerrero, meaning that it's the kind of strong coffee consumed by peasants in the mountains (black, with little o no sugar).

Cow's milk latte and I have a toxic relationship, too, haha. But I was lucky to meet a better latte for me, one that cares about me and really makes an effort to make it work 😆 Coconut milk latte. I'm having one right now to help me keep going with my work.
