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RE: Supply and demand

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

Hey Galen, Supply, and demand need to be correlated indeed because we cannot give from an empty vessel. It's good to know that you're in tune with yourself, to recognise when you need to find a balance to re-centre and re-energise; which is what it sounds like you got from some alone time at the café. A cup of coffee is always a great treat, especially one as lovely as the one you're holding:)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and highlighting what a positive impact a visit to a café can have.☕️


Hi Milz, thanks for your comment. I know my post is only border-line café/coffee shop related but I guess there's only so much one can say about coffee itself. So, I'm glad it scraped into the realms of acceptability.

 2 years ago  

You have a great way of painting a good picture and telling a story that emphasizes the pleasures one can extract from a visit to a coffee shop. Therefore, I'd say your post is not border-line; It's a refreshing change...that's always welcome:)

your post is not border-line

So...It's a keeper then. Lol.

And yeah, a change up is always good.

 2 years ago  

Definitely a keeper!!!
Your (coffee) posts are easy to read, which makes it more pleasurable for me:)
So thanks for that!

I'm a keeper! Rawr! Lol.

 2 years ago  

lol 😻

 2 years ago (edited) 

PS. Your photo - nice depth of field🙌 @galenkp

Many minutes of photography training have come together to create this photographic genius.

Ok, let's just call it, a few seconds to press the button on my phone. 😊