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RE: Kopinata Decaf Robusta A Local Deccafeinated Coffee Product Review

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

Hello Mac!
It's so nice to hear your voice to match your face😁

I never thought decaf would be so hard to find, as I've never gone looking for it.
However, it is understandable for places like Indonesia.

I don't recall ever seeing decaf on the shelves in the Philippines either, and I think the only thing worst than not being able to find decaf coffee (for those who need it for health reasons like you), would be for a regular coffee drinker purchasing decaf by mistake.

Nice of you to share and explain the details of the packaging.🙌


I am finally able to record again as I have a tripod. I was actually wanting to livestream but I needed to set up more things :D so, I recorded that video instead. And yes, I never thought it would be hard to find at first but it was, especially where I live. Even starbucks here doesn't sell the decaf pike grounds which I read is amayzing. Probably that's what I also drink whenever I ordered decaf there but I can't be certain.

I think it's gonna be worse for coffee drinker purchasing the decaf, the kicks are just waay different. But I tried making more concentrated decaf today and it was as similar as to a regular cup of coffee. Also, thanks for listening all the way :D I was afraid that I uploaded the wrong video which was the 0.10 seconds instead the 9 mins one.

 3 years ago  

I enjoyed it very much😄
I'll like to know more about livestream, one day!