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RE: Long time no see

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 months ago

I'm the same with friendships. When I was 17 years old, my classmates called me out for considering them acquaintances, not friends. I was appalled at their beliefs.
I've held on to my concept of friendship for years, and I have a tiny circle that I cherish, which is special to me.

It would have been a pleasure to make space in my schedule to meet up with any of those friends for a coffee.

Happy Firday:)))
Jolly good time.jpg


I've held on to my concept of friendship for years, and I have a tiny circle that I cherish, which is special to me.

And I say that's the way, Milly. 😏

Recently, I've been trying to catch up with old friends. For the past 4 to 5 years or so I've been so out of touch; my circumstances weren't as good, and I had to take this time of solitude to steadily recover. Now, I'm doing quite well. So, I'm trying my best to get back in touch with some of my "special people" haha.

Cheers, Milly!. Thanks for dropping by. ☕️