Crafts are definitely not my forte, but if anyone has known how to exploit my hidden talents, it has been my children's teachers with the extracurricular activities they assign them.

We have always been known for doing our homework at home, I respect the decision of many to send home work, but we have understood that the best way to learn how to do things is to do them or try to do them by yourself and seek the proper advice and above all involve our children in the process, at the end they are the ones who are studying and in this way we create a sense of responsibility.

Since 2 weeks ago my daughter has to bring her respective samples about her school project for the third pedagogical moment, for one situation or another it has dragged on and today we decided to get to work on the matter. I love her project, it is about entrepreneurship, we must encourage creativity in our children.

I had 3 paused activities and we had to work on it, as we are a team we divided the tasks, my husband started with the sample of the kiosk where she should propose her work, she and I were working with the crafts and at the same time she was painting and helping her father in gluing the worked parts.

What we thought we were going to finish very quickly, extended into the night, we were exhausted and eager to renew our manual skills, so I took advantage of our sacred snack time to go out and buy a snack that would inject us with sugar in the company of our favorite energizer such as coffee.

I went to a new bakery that opened near my house and among so many delicacies I didn't know what to choose, so I decided to vary a little and selected 2 chocolate donuts, 2 breads filled with guava and cheese and a delicious quesadilla that would be for my oldest boy.

It was very difficult to select the appetizers, my youngest son grabbed a donut as well as my princess, my husband and I chose the guava and cheese breads, but without a doubt we all decided to have a cup of coffee to liven up the afternoon and share a time of creative work as a family, but with the one that always has a special place at our table and on the palate as it is the black at its best, according to the taste of each consumer.

The activities will culminate tomorrow because we exhausted our resources, I hope to share it with all of you in future publications and I encourage you to taste a delicious coffee during your work of any kind, this will undoubtedly make the process more fruitful.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Definitivamente las manualidades no son mi fuerte, pero si alguien ha sabido explotar mis talentos muy ocultos han sido las maestras de mis hijos con las actividades extracurriculares que ellas les asignan.

Siempre nos hemos caracterizado por hacer los trabajos en casa, respeto la decisión de muchos en enviar hacer los trabajos, pero nosotros hemos entendido que la mejor manera de aprender a hacer las cosas es haciéndolas o intentando hacerlas por uno mismo y buscando las debidas asesorías y sobre todo involucrar a nuestros hijos en el proceso, al final son ellos los que están estudiando y de esta manera les creamos sentido de responsabilidad.

Desde hace 2 semanas mi hija tiene que llevar sus respectivas muestras sobre su proyecto escolar para el tercer momento pedagógico, por una situación u otra se ha alargado y hoy decidimos ponernos a trabajar en el asunto. Me encanta su proyecto, trata sobre el emprendimiento, debemos fomentar en nuestros hijos la creatividad.

Tenía 3 actividades pausadas y debíamos trabajar en ello, como somos un equipo nos dividimos las tareas, mi esposo inicio con la muestra del kiosco donde ella debe proponer su trabajo, ella y yo íbamos trabajando con las manualidades y al mismo tiempo iba pintando y ayudando a su padre en pegar las partes trabajadas.

Lo que pensamos que íbamos a culminar muy rápido, se extendió hasta la noche, estábamos agotados y con ansias de poder renovar nuestras habilidades manuales, por lo que aproveche nuestra sagrada hora de la merienda para salir a comprar un aperitivo que nos inyectara azúcar en compañía de nuestro energizante preferido como lo es el café.

Fui a una nueva panadería que abrieron por aquí cerca de casa y entre tantas delicias no sabía que escoger, por lo que decidí variar un poco y seleccione 2 donas de chocolate, 2 panes relleno de guayaba y queso y una deliciosa quesadilla que sería para mi niño mayor.

Estuvo muy difícil la selección de los aperitivos, mi hijo menor agarro una dona al igual que mi princesa, mi esposo y yo elegimos los panes de guayaba y queso, pero sin duda alguna todos decidimos tomar unas tazas de café para amenizar la tarde y compartir un tiempo de trabajo creativo en familia, pero con el que siempre tiene un lugar especial es nuestra mesa y en el paladar como lo es el negro en su mejor punto, según el gusto de cada consumidor.

Las actividades las culminaremos el día de mañana porque agotamos nuestros recursos, espero poder compartirlo con todos ustedes en próximas publicaciones y les animo a degustar un delicioso café durante sus trabajos de cualquier índole, esto sin duda alguna hará más fructífero el proceso.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

Todas las fotos utilizadas aquí son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con la cámara de mi teléfono Redmi Note 9T. El diseño fue realizado con la aplicación GridArt.

 3 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you very much for the responsiveness and support for my content appreciated community @cinnccf

What a beautiful, practical and illustrative publication. It often takes a little to deliver a lot and this is the occasion.
In the publication you show us several elements of interest such as school work, teamwork, ways to help and forge responsibility in your child and also, sharing a good coffee, with some donuts and breads.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy day.
Cheers and best regards.

Que publicación más bonita, práctica e ilustrativa. Muchas veces se necesita de poco para entregar mucho y esta es la ocasión.
En la publicación nos muestras varios elementos de interés como la labor escolar, el trabajo en equipo, las maneras de ayudar y forjar responsabilidad en tu niña y además, el compartir un buen café, con unas donas y panes.
Gracias por compartir.
Feliz día.
Salud y saludos.

Thank you very much to you for such a beautiful message.... It is a challenge to do this kind of work, but with family and a good cup of coffee everything is possible.


 3 months ago  

Popsicle stick projects are such a cornerstone of childhood in my opinion, it looks like you had a great time while getting the project done!

And of course, what is any activity without coffee?! The snacks you picked to go with your afternoon caffeine dose look amazing 😄 thanks for sharing!

This was actually one of my favorite activities ☺️ in my childhood and I want to support my princess in this new facet of her life.
I may not have the same time and patience now, but a cup of coffee always helps to calm our spirits.
The snacks were a delicacy.

Those teachers are just exaggerated hahaha the idea would be to encourage creativity in the children, not to create the need for them to look for alternative solutions to finish their projects. It seems to me that sometimes the objective gets out of hand.

But, as long as there is a cup of coffee in between, things get along better. How delicious the cheese and guava bread, although I would have eaten everything on that plate hahaha.

I hope the project ends well and that your daughter gets a good grade!

Pero esas maestras lo que son es unas exageradas jajaja la idea sería fomentar la creatividad en los niños, no crearles la necesidad de buscar soluciones alternativas para terminar sus proyectos. Me parece que a veces se les va de las manos el objetivo.

Pero, siempre que haya un cafecito de por medio las cosas se llevan mejor. Qué rico el pan de queso y guayaba, aunque me hubiese comido todo lo que hay en ese plato jajaja.

Espero que el proyecto termine bien y que tu hija saque muy buena nota!

That's what my husband says and even more so when he has to do part of the work hahaha it's a lot of responsibility, but in the end it leaves them with a beautiful and nutritious lesson.
Coffee is our special antidote for our manual work, it helps us to organize our ideas in the midst of chaos.
Thank you very much for your visit my dear 😘 ☺️

It feels really good to enjoy coffee with the people we love while doing homework

It is a perfect match and an interesting driver of family creativities.

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