A pair of Hope Giving Coffee cups.

My wife and I are used to long, long and tiring trips when a long weekend arrives like last week. Traveling around various areas by driving a two-wheeled vehicle will definitely be very tiring compared to driving a four-wheeled vehicle or something similar. However, the resulting sensation will be much different and the satisfaction will be felt when I go on holiday by riding a two-wheeled vehicle and will definitely be free from traffic jams.

Even though traveling by two-wheeled vehicle will be very enjoyable, we will definitely get more rest to relax the stiff waist muscles and the hands which will certainly start to ache from driving, therefore it is inevitable that there are several simple stalls or cafes that will be our stopover. need.

We had been traveling for 4 hours from the hotel to go home and my cellphone was starting to run out of battery a little because I was using it for directions. And because the road we were going to go through afterward was a forest where there was certainly no electricity there, we decided to look for a stall that not only provided several menus but also provided electricity sockets so that my wife and I could charge it so it was full and enough to get home. I see my map requires 6 hours of normal travel without traffic jams.

And good luck came to us when we saw a simple shop on the crossroads right on the way home, at first we were hesitant but because I accidentally saw an electricity plug there, I decided to go back and we agreed to rest at that shop. . And we really had good luck with the many benefits we got while at this shop.

The advantage we get is a very good view, namely the view of Lake Toba from a distance like the expanse of clouds stretching out and views of the forest and hills around the stall, making this place very beautiful and very comfortable to stop by.

The next advantage is that this small shop turns out to be a coffee shop, and the special menu in this shop is the coffee itself. I thought that because this shop was a small shop, the coffee would taste ordinary, but it turned out I was wrong, the coffee in this small shop was very delicious, the water used was very hot water because it was directly boiled from a pot of milk. And not only is it hot, but the taste is quite distinctive and not too sweet or bitter, it is still tasted, although it is not at a very bitter level, and the type of coffee available here is black coffee, although there are several types of coffee sachets available there.

And after I asked why there was a slight difference in taste while I was sure this was just ordinary coffee, the seller just smiled and gave a little hint that the coffee was not one kind but there were 2 types of coffee mixed there depending on the visitor's request. And because at the beginning I only ordered black coffee so that my eyes wouldn't get sleepy while driving, the seller gave me the coffee concoction.
And I think this is a mixture of Robusta and Arabica coffee, but I don't understand because my knowledge about coffee is not very deep. And this coffee really helped me to continue my journey and until now I am still curious about the coffee I drank. In the future, when I travel again to this area, I will stop by this coffee and will persuade the seller to know the secret of this coffee. and that was my journey, greetings from Tomidiwirja, Indonesia

 3 months ago  

What a stunning location.

The seller just smiled and gave a little hint that the coffee was not one kind but there were 2 types of coffee mixed there depending on the visitor's request.

Amazingly, the seller was so honest. I guess it cleared any confusion that you had, and you probably felt a sense of safety knowing that the company was transparent.

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-8.jpg

Thank you, I said earlier that this coffee shop is very secretive about its recipes, not transparent in mixing its coffee. I asked for the recipe, they just smiled and didn't want to tell me the recipe.

 3 months ago  

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

Untitled design-77.jpg

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Thank You. OK, I'll interact more.

Beautiful landscapes that you show us in your photographs. Without a doubt, having a coffee with such a wonderful view must be a unique experience.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good day.

Yes, exactly. Enjoying a cup of coffee while looking at the beauty of Lake Toba is very enjoyable. until I don't remember going home

What a beautiful View! You are lucky because found out the right coffee shop with that beautiful View. I think I will visit it more and more.

Yes, exactly. looking at the beauty of God's creation makes you forget all the problems that exist.

The view is beautiful and breathtaking. I would love to have a coffee there. Beauty of a place. ☺️

It also highlights the attention.

Please come to Lake Toba Indonesia. We often encounter natural views like this there.

The view is beautiful and breathtaking. I would love to have a coffee there. Beauty of a place. ☺️

It also highlights the attention.