Sublime Florida Sunday at New Home

in SublimeSundaylast month

We finally made the move away from Vermont to Florida. Stuff arrived on Tuesday and still unpacking, but wow, what a difference.

We are very glad to be away from the snow and maintenance of the large property. Definitely missing the 62 acres space and meadow walks with Betty, but all else is a huge positive. We've at least got some nice privacy bushes so not looking directly out windows at the neighbors on our little half acre lot.

One of our friends called Vermont a "Dark Vortex". I don't know about that other than it definitely had a depressing feel to it compared to the bright and light feel here in Florida so far. We've been here a week, and already more sunny days than we would see in a month in Vermont.

I'm sure we will be complaining about the heat in a couple months, but right now it's a very pleasant and Sublime Sunday with 80F (26C) during the day, and a bit cooler at night. Quite a change from the 24 inches of snow and 60-70F degree colder weather they had in Vermont the day after we left!

We've got dozens of these little guys skittling about the yard.

Loving it here so far, and looking forward to getting out for some wildlife photos and drone shots soon. I have another week of vacation, planning for a couple more days of focused unpacking, then a couple days at the beach (only 15 minutes away!) and photo hunting before I go back to work.


Good luck in your new digs // 😊

Tks, the unpacking seems to never end. At least have the main stuff in place now.

A whole new world for you! I hope you all love it!

Thank you! Yes, I can hardly wait to get things a bit more organized so we can feel good about getting out and exploring.

I'm glad the mov is working out for you so far!

Thanks, another all-day of unpacking and building shelves to house all the stuff we don't have room for yet can't seem to let go. It's hard downsizing! Loving the nice weather to be out in the garage though for sure.

I'm looking forward to downsizing a bit with my wife in the future as well.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you!

Greetings my friend! I was traveling through South America I only came back a few days ago! I see you have good weather over there.

Hello there, haven't been online much, busy packing and moving 1,400 miles south to Florida as you may have seen in my post. Very glad to be away from the snow and maintenance, but still very busy with unpacking, building shelves, and getting new home setup. Looks like you've had a nice trip.