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RE: A missed Sunset in the Dolomites and a Surprise

in PhotoFeedlast year

It's raining here - no wintry weather at all, but great for office work 😁 !LOLZ

The weather is becoming worse it seems - only a couple of years ago we have never had hail stones in the size of tennis balls. Hopefully Freddy changes his mind and stays somewhere over the sea where he can't harm people.

Happy Friday 😊

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV


Spring around the corner, rains will start the flowers earlier, perhaps light snow at tail end of the season, it's what happens here of late inland.

Large hail stones so damaging, our insurance companies warn people when the weather forecast predicts them.

Happy Friday with !LUV and !LOLZ be happy!

What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?
They're both Paris sites.

Credit: dyson-the-booper
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It's about the same here and we even have had snow in May.

My old car got damaged twice and my wife's once. She has a thick protection cover now, but since she bought it we didn't have any hail 😀 !LOLZ

Happy Sunday Joan 😊

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Weather dumps variety from the sky, some very damaging.

Insurance companies are fickle, send a warning SMS to clients, will argue making good if you claim, now the same is happening with power outages breaking equipment.

!BEER have a great Sunday!

I know what you mean, insurance companies are everywhere the same: they want your money, but pay only if there's no other chance.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Go into any city all new buildings are insurance houses, that is where your money goes!

Never trust them with all the small print, an evil necessity where we live! We have to have insurance with bad drivers, high crime and corrupt government who stole the electricity !LOLZ no laughing matter


Except for car damages from accidents or hail, I have needed a insurance company only once, I believe, and they didn't pay 😂 !LOLZ

!WINE makes a delicious dinner with !PIZZA :)

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I used to be addicted to the hokey-pokey
but then I turned myself around.

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He was so good I didn't care.

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