So I was watching YouTube today. And this short came up. It was a guy talking about the Middle East. And this reminds me that how much invested I was in this place is politics for so long that I possibly have a pseudo phd on this. So today I want to talk about this place and why it has been so important to the whole world for so many thousands of years. Well let's get some of these things out of the way. It is not actually the Middle East. There is no such thing as the Middle East because that place is situated in the most western part of Asia. No you might think maybe someone living farther west named it Middle East. As in the medieval times when Great Britain was at the Pinnacle of their power, they used to call this place Middle East because it was Eastward from mainland Britain but it wasn't far away so it was called Middle East and East was India, China and for those places.
But historically this place is called the Levant. And the people of this place always prefer to call themselves as levantines. This place is the birthplace of three of the world's biggest religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Also, this place can be dubbed as the most ancient civilization. Ancient Sumerian civilization and the ancient mesopotamian civilization both originate from here. It was along the great river Tigris and Euphrates. These two rivers have also been instrumental in the history of the world. Also there are cities in this place such as Aleppo, which have been continuously inhabited for the longest amount of time in recorded history. Those who have studied history among us, know that the greatest inventions from Muslim scientists during the Islamic rule, in alchemy, medical science and mathematics all originate from this Levant. So it really is very obvious that Levant is probably the single most important place on earth and its history. It is significant both historically and religiously. Unfortunately, in today's world this place is only a shadow of what it was. Wars and conquests have plunged this once civilized place. Bunch of outsiders coming in and drawing borders however they see fit and calling it new borders and new countries. These disputed claims have led to the law of many lives over the years and many countries have been ripped away from their prosperous future. Such as Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Iran, etc. And there are many other countries that simply could not prosper in the current system or due to the intervention of the western-led economy. But still this Levant has stood firm as a significant piece of land because of all the oil reserves that it holds. And the world can't live without it.
I really believe that maybe someday Levant can grow up to its former glory. And the people of it can once again live as levantines. And there will be harmony among different faiths. And I hope there will be economic prosperity someday. While achieving social stability. Hoping it's free after all.
I saw the way you describe this place. It has a great impact in the geographical realm of life. I'm sure this place may be great for tours.