in Hive Learners9 months ago

Shower time in my home also serves as a gossip and bonding opportunity for I and my duaghhers. In some occasions they tend to ask weird questions that I hardly know how to answer and other times they come up with strange ideas that will got you wondering how on earth they thought about that.


Like today, Muna asked me if she gave me a very hard time in the labour room. Ofcourse she did, infact I spent 12 good hours in the labour room and I was very glad when it was finally over. I was contemplating whether to tell her the truth now or later but when she expressed her concern of not wanting to give me a hard time when I was giving birth to her, I immediately told her that I had an exciting experience giving birth to her.

Well it was an experience quiet alright but not really an exciting one.

During one of our shower discussions like this that she told me something that I would never forget in my life. I was very surprised and drawn back when she said this because even though I was pretending to be interested in one of their many tales when actually I was deep in thought I couldn't help but caught that statement because it spoke to my soul.

When you give it your very best, you will get the best result.

I had to pull back my attention to her because it was as if the universe was speaking through my eight years old. It happened that I have been worried about the not so good result that I have been getting in a project that I was handling. I was almost at the point of being plunged into anxiety and depression.

I went to my room to have an hour meeting with myself. There I asked myself if actually I have put in my very best in that work. I paced through the room as if wanting the answer to appear from somewhere but I knew better. To be honest I know that i have not given it my very best atall. I remembered how determined i was many years ago in achieving whatever goal that I set out to achieve and I wondered what has happened to that girl. There was no stopping me and I didn't give room for excuses or distractions. Three weeks to my examination while in the university days I would unplug my television never to on it again till after my examination. I read very late into the night and menh I put in my very best and I was rewarded with the best result to the extent that my course mates one morning when six of our scores for different exams was posted they were asking each other who exactly was number 117 because I was getting A's and B's in the courses they cried that were difficult. It happened that our registration number was what the lecturers use to post our results if not they would have uncovered my identity.

I took that word and pasted it inside my heart immediately knowing that it's the raw truth. I know that I can do better thus my discomfort and frustration in the results that i was getting.

My daughter is still my best friend till this day and her advice made me to believe that God/universe can speak to you through anyone. It also reminded me of the story of St Augustine who was disturbed and confused about the mystery of how God can be the father, son and the holyspirit all at the same time. One day he saw a little child who was using a small spoon to scoop water from the sea into a small hole which he made. Out of curiosity St Augustine asked the child what he was doing and the child replied that he want to empty the water in the sea into that small hole.

Impossible! St Augustine shouted.

The child answered that it would be more possible for him to draw all the water from the sea into the hole than for him to succeed in the penetrating the mystery of the holy trinity.

The advice from my eight years old have helped me so much in everything that I do. When I am not getting my desired results I will take a break to access myself first...

Am I really giving it all my best?.

 9 months ago  

such a big word coming from your daughter shows she is smart, one thing about humans is that we limit ourselves a lot which does not let us know our capabilities, the only time we realize our superpowers is when we are in danger cos we give it our best to escape dangers if only we can put in that in all what we do..

 9 months ago  

Ofcourse. We actually do limit ourselves until when faced with a life and death situation.

 9 months ago  

Indeed, God can speak to someone through anyone. In some instances, you would see kids speak beyond their level of maturity and you begin to wonder where the wisdom came from. Every limitation that can be broken needed to be broken.

 9 months ago  

Yes you are right. We can get a good advice from anyone no matter the age.

 9 months ago  

Muna talked through your heart..pasted the word and it stick like magnet
It's a powerful word... sometimes we want results without necessarily giving our best .. just like you gave your best in that course and got a desired result..that's how most things work
Nice advice, your daughter your best friend 🤗