My worst journey experience

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Good day, and happy weekend, amazing people of the Hive Block Chain! Welcome back to my blog.

Life is sweet, but it is also risky. At some point in our lives, we endanger ourselves, directly or indirectly. Growing up, I love traveling to Lagos to stay with my aunt's school. I don't pray to witness this journey again in my life.



As usually school has close relatives and my aunt sends my transport money, I have already made up my mind to use night transport. I have heard a lot from my roommate about how fun the night journey is, so I decided to give it a try.

I never knew that big thing was waiting for me on the way. At first, the journey was really fun. The old man selling his drugs was really entertaining us, and every passenger was laughing on top of their voices.

If you travel at night, you will know how bad that Benue Express is getting to be. Most of the vehicles in our front were turned with force before our driver could turn. The people were close to us. Our driver's action really surprised me. He stopped the vehicle and jumped out of it. That was when I knew i have entered a hot pot of soup and everyone was jumping inside the bush.



The man was really too close to the vehicle. The man covered his face with a mask. I pee on myself, and I was crying, begging God that if he saved me this one time, I will never use night transport again.

I summoned courage and came out of the car. I run inside the bush. At this point, they were shooting guns. You need to see me crawling on the grass like a snake. Everyone in the bush lies ever where silent. The gun shoot lasted for about three hours. My first experience turned out to be my worst experience.

When we stopped hearing the gunshot, everyone crawled out of their hiding places. We found out that they went with some people. Seriously, God really showed himself that day because when i summoned courage to come out of the vehicle. The unknown men were really close to me, but I could not go out at first because of fear. It was that day that I believed that God loved me.

The shooter was there for close to three hours when everywhere was claiming we all came out of our hideout and noticed that they went with somebody. We all enter back to the car to continue our journey. I was not myself because the shock was too much for me.

My aunt was very shocked to see me in Lagos that early because she never expected me to arrive that early. I narrrated my story to her. She told me that I was lucky; she was very mad at me.

Lesson learnt.

Like the saying goes, experience is the best teacher. I really learned my lessons, like I promised God. Since that day, I have not tried traveling at night again; in fact, stop stopped staying late at night.

This is my entry to the ongoing content #hl-w99e3. Have a lovely weekend.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes.

 4 months ago  

Wow...that's scary. Traveling by road here in Nigeria is very risky let alone going with night bus. Thank God for safety