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RE: ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏɴᴇʟʏ ᴅᴀʏs

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Really,reading this, I might just change my mind

You need to experience it yourself, you will realise that both day and boarding have their disadvantages and advantages. There are days I wished I was a day student, though boarding school kept us safe From the outside world, especially dangers that has to do with transportation but it trapped us with the dangerous of all predators "humans"😅.

Yeah having my brother close by made most of the harsh experiences more bearable, if he wasn't there, it would have taken a lot of time b4 I could get back on my feet.

And for Ismail, you have no idea what I did to that guy before he could let me be, I realised he might be strong enough to bully me physically but I was smart enough to bully him psychologically 😅😅.

Hostel life was fun and adventurous.

Thanks for reading, I'm glad you find the experience amusing 😅🤭 and I appreciate the reblog🙏.