The use of musical instruments in churches: Biblical?

in Hive Learners2 years ago

The use of musical instruments in churches: Biblical?

The use of musical instruments in churches today is prevalent among the Pentecostals and the Orthodox. Musical Instruments such as the keyboard, drum kit, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, violin, and others are used in the worship and praise of God. It is believed among these groups that, through the use of these musical instruments, worship and reverence are rendered to God.

However, it's pertinent to say that, among the Christian faith, there are some groups of denominations that do not believe in the use of musical instruments in their congregation. Examples of these are; The Church of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, Olumba Olumba Obu, and others. In this same faith, some denominations approved the use of selected instruments. An example is The deeper life Church which only approves the use of keyboard and violin.


All of these are systems put in place by the leaders of these denominations who believed that it was biblical to do so. In this case, this write-up seeks to look indepthly into the viewpoint of the scripture(bible) in regards to the use of musical instruments in congregations. It is important to however note that this write-up is not in any way seeking to condemn any practices which were hitherto held by any denomination nor to promote any but to unbiasedly look through the Bible to see God's standard with regards to the topic.


In the bible, the first mention of musical instruments is in

Gen.4.21 - And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handling the harp and organ.

It is worthy to note that throughout the old testament, the use of musical instruments was obvious and approved of. Several scriptures point to this fact; examples are, psalms 81:2, 98:5, 150:4, and Habakuk 3:19. In 1chronicle 15:16 we see how king David instructed the chief of the Levites to select musicians who sang and played instruments when the ark of God was brought into the city of David. Notice that in all these, nowhere in the bible shows that God condemned such an act.


One of the points raised by some Christians against the use of musical instruments in the church is that. During the old testament, the temple of God was made by the human hand(the church edifice). As portrayed in 1kings 6:1-38. Though this set of Christians acknowledged the use of musical instruments in the old testament, they believed that it should not set the pace for the new testament mode of worship which is in the body through the use of the voice.

1Cor.6.19 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

buttresses the fact that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost…..


Let me begin this by saying that there is no verse or chapter in the New Testament which clearly states that there was a use of musical instruments when believers gathered.

Eph.5.19 - Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

From the scripture above, there's no mention of musical instruments. Also in 1tim.2:8, Paul urges believers to lift their holy hands. If the foundation of the new testament church was laid by the apostle and prophet

Eph.2.20 - And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone;

and since they (apostles/prophets) did not use musical instruments, then it is of no essence for contemporary churches to use instruments in the worship of God. it, therefore, proves that they are going out of what the apostle laid out.

However, it is instructive to note also that the New Testament not promoting the use of musical instruments did not in any way condemn the use of it either. It will be wrong for us to build a doctrine or condemn any that the Bible is silent about. For example, no verse of the scripture has stated the mode for collecting offerings.


The bible has not condemned the use of musical instruments in worship. No place in the Bible has said that. Churches have the liberty to decide on what they want. Be it as it may, everything should be done to the glory of God as Apostle Paul says in 1cor10:31.
Thanks for reading through. I hope you learn a thing or two. Your upvote is appreciated.

Written by Ekpe Ezekiel