How would you feel if you had to pay to drive through a particular place every day? How would you feel if you were not allowed clean water because someone made all the water in your environment theirs?
I mean, you can't even drink water unless it passes through them; think about it. Yes, that feeling that is erupting inside of you was also the same feeling I had when I saw this question
What would the world be like if things like roads and water were to be privatized?
The idea of individuals or companies owning roads and charging others for their use, or controlling access to clean water based on one's ability to pay, raises serious concerns for me. This is not something that sits well with me and it is giving too much power to a certain individual. One thing that power does is that it corrupts and we can see the evidence of it in Lagos state.
Using Lagos State: Lekki Toll Gate as an Example
The fact that the citizens of Lagos State had to pay every day while they drove through that road is appalling. As a trader who does delivery in that area, going and coming through the toll gate will take more funds from their pocket than the delivery fee charged, and if that happens, this will cause the trader to increase the delivery fee, causing discomfort for more citizens that are not even driving or passing through the toll gate.
Another issue was the traffic the toll gate caused. There is no way to get payment for the road without instilling a design system to take money from the people passing.
The risk of having such power is what the Lagos citizens witnessed on 20th October 2020 during a protest that led to the death of many people because they blocked the toll gate.
Although private ownership may lead to an increase in efficiency and better maintenance of essential resources, the idea of treating basic necessities as commodities that can be bought and sold feels like the biggest issue mankind can face. This is not war, and I believe such action is only possible during the time of war. So, tell me, What happens to those who cannot afford to pay to access things like roads and water? Will they remain in their home without going out? Will they be left behind, unable to travel or access clean water simply due to their financial circumstances?
The population of poor people is greater than the people that can afford basic things that are even cheaper. One thing about economics is that,
The higher the demand, the higher the price.
If two-thirds of the population can't access water because of the price tag, don't you think that is enough reason to start a civil war in a country?
In conclusion, I think there are things that should never be privatized, not because it is not possible but because of the consequences of what it might cause. This is my honest opinion; thanks for reading.
My name is Fashtiolwa, Hive's favorite alien from Mars. There is water on Mars; we are hiding it so earthlings don't sell it.
That's the issue. If you can't afford to pay the toll, then you can't afford to pass that road. Shouldn't the road be for all of us? Wasn't it built with everyone's money? I seriously would never be able to understand the idea of that toll gate.
Yeah, it was everyone road. I don’t know how someone will put a toll gate in a very busy and public road.
We all saw the result of that action
Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.
Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive
Truth be told, we have more poor citizens than the rich, so bringing the private to take the lead in most of the sector will be of more harm because the private institute mostly are just after their own profit than the positive impact.
They are after their profit and in as much they are making profit, they don’t care if the price is affecting others
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Omo no be lie o. Of a resource like water is privatized, then the poor will just start dieing.
I don't subscribe to this at all. Road privatization is still a bit fair because doing so would reduce the number of things on the roads doing "owo mi da"..but not for water o
The both will cause a lot of damage of privatized
I hope we don’t come to this
I hope so too
It would be a disaster if we privatized our infrastructure, we are going to suffer because it would be as if we are begging to live.
Very true
It would come to a time people will beg just to have access to this things and then they would fight to have access
It will affect the poor when privatized, and it will be very pathetic.
It will be very pathetic
Lekki toll gate water created to impoverish the people the more. I am grateful that the #endsars protest ended that broad daylight.
It ended that toll gate thing but many people lost their life to it